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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Just keeping my eye out for low hanging fruit.
  2. That's redundant. Any kind of surgery on Hillary would be considered boob surgery.
  3. Thank God, after all of the attempts you've made to impregnate a moose you've been unsuccessful. Wouldn't want to screw up their gene pool.
  4. I don't know what that has to do with anything.
  5. There was a complication during surgery. There's no consensus regarding if that was a good thing or not.
  6. Let me say what DR was saying in a more simple and direct manner. If you are following a vehicle and they turn on their right turning signal, what do you think they might do?
  7. WTF? I'm not in the least bit interested in losing maiden head.
  8. He never said we needed a wall all along the border. You guys keep bringing this up because you are disingenuous ****heads. What is a penetrable beam as it pertains to the wall?
  9. Poor Beto is just "exhausted". Compared to him Trump is an ironman. https://freebeacon.com/politics/orourke-still-feels-exhaustion-after-failed-senate-bid-2020-decision-could-be-months-away/ Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D., Texas) said he's still dealing with "exhaustion" from losing his Senate race to Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and is possibly months away from deciding whether to run for president. "There’s an exhaustion after an effort like that, that I’m learning is hard to recover from," O'Rourke said at a local speaker series in El Paso, according to Politico. "You don’t snap back." At the event, he responded to a questioner that he was looking at teaching if he doesn't run for higher office. He told Politico that deciding to enter the increasingly crowded 2020 field could "potentially" take months. "There are people who are smarter on this stuff and study this stuff and are following this and say you’ve got to do it this way or get in by this point or get in in this way if you were to get in," O’Rourke said. "I think the truth is that nobody knows right now the rules on any of this stuff. I think the rules are being written in the moment."
  10. Remember when he said he'd like the economy to tank in order to get rid of Trump?
  11. This is the 4th thread you've started with a poem. That's some real assmudgeonry, even for an attentionwhore.
  12. From your link: “Accountability” doesn’t mean “always running a retraction when you get it wrong.” At some point it means learning and adapting and changing one’s approach. It is not an accident that all of the press’s mistakes go in one political or narrative direction. It is not happenstance that none of the major figures seem capable of playing “wait and see” when the subject is this presidency. And it is not foreordained that they must reflexively appeal to generalities when a member of the guild steps forcefully onto the nearest rake. Ronald Reagan liked to quip that a government department represented the closest thing to eternal life we are likely to see on this earth. In close second is a bad journalist with the right opinions, for he will be treated as if he were the very embodiment of liberty.
  13. Boyst is the offspring of Zeus and what species?
  14. Hank Johnson looks around for someone to hold his beer.
  15. Yes but space bars can be entertaining.
  16. You're a big city slickin' lawyer from Arcade and I'm just a poor farmer that knows you sow wild oats not sew them. Is that enough of prima facie evidence for you?
  17. No, I just think with a very left dem nominee that enough of the dem moderates like Doc Brown would go for the RINO securing a Trump Electoral College victory. I'm thinking a Kasich might take 10-15% of the dem vote in states like PA while taking only 5% or so from Trump.
  18. Most likely correct, but think of this scenario: The dems nominate one of their true lefties. A RINO like Kasich enters the race as an Independent. The moderate (shrinking, I know) arm of the dems vote for him along with a few R's. The vote gets split three ways with Trump coming out on top.
  19. Like with a needle and thread?
  20. She's too old...…………………………………………...for Boyst. Running against Trump would certainly be the end of Romney's political career.
  21. Reading comprehension man. Here's a picture of General Oats who led the Quakers against the Amish Riflemen at the battles of both Blue Balls and Intercourse in SE Pennsylvania.
  22. George Zimmermann, is that you?
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