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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. A psychiatrist would have a field day with that statement. Penis envy?
  2. Just what is a sport? I mean other than tipping cows and having your way with them.
  3. Practice, practice, practice and in no time you'll have it licked.
  4. Have you ever considered that maybe you shouldn't be having sex with all these woman without a rubber?
  5. You're not fooling anyone. We know who you really are.
  6. I would advise you to stay away from moose. They are the love interest of many a Canadian and getting between a moose and a Canuck is like putting yourself between Justin Trudeau and the rest of The Village People.
  7. Just think, we might be able charge for amusement park rides down the mountains. Maybe even make a little money by taking their pictures as they splash down.
  8. I especially like the part when he called both Pelosi and Schumer disingenuous attentionwhores out for partisan political advantage. He nailed it.
  9. It's at the same level of stupidity that claimed we gave 150 billion of our own money to Iran.
  10. Your ideas are bad enough, but at least learn to express them better.
  11. Until you can smirk out of both sides of your mouth at the same time you're just another amateur.
  12. I think that Ann Coulter and Ron Silver were together for sometime before he died in 2009.
  13. Really? You're criticizing them for a shoe problem? Lack of a particular fish? This just goes to prove that you can take a person out of Jersey but you can't take the Jersey out of them.
  14. Hey, it's not like its 4 different separate threads featuring a poem.
  15. The environmental activists would shout down the windmills because they might either kill or change the migration habits of the Central Americans. Seriously though no one is going to build solar or wind farms unless they are at the optimal locations for them. Piranha.
  16. Remember when he signed the omnibus bill about a year ago? He claimed he'd never sign one again that didn't have wall funding. He was convinced by Ryan & McConnell to sign it because he got the military spending he wanted, and that they could push through the border wall funding in 2018. When the dems won the House they put Pelosi in an awkward position. Many of the new reps pledged in their campaigns to not vote for her for Speaker and many of them were on the far left. She had to straddle the fence and make some deals to get the Speakership. When the R House voted for 5 billion for the wall in late December (by an impressive margin) Schumer had to kill it in the Senate to keep Pelosi's hopes alive for getting the post. So, all of this crap has had nothing to do with border security or the wall but everything to do with politics.
  17. Regardless, the initial information was most likely sent to Wikileaks by a DNC staff person who was pissed about the fix being in for Hillary.
  18. No, I meant the actual word. If you want to pretend I wrote fondling though feel free to think that way and reminisce.
  19. The dems have historically agreed to a security fence on the southern border. They shut down the government not because they had a problem with the fence but because they had a problem with giving Trump the fence. It had nothing to do with them being against the fence for security reasons but for political reasons. So basically the dem leadership sacrificed the safety of the American people for their own partisan reasons.
  20. Do you remember all the gays? Fondly?
  21. The DNC emails were downloaded by someone who had direct access to a DNC computer. They were not hacked over the internet. This we have known from nearly the beginning and because they were downloaded at a speed impossible to obtain from the internet. With that said, could it have been a certain DNC staffer who was known to have had email contact with Wikileaks? The same guy who was murdered in the wee hours of the night who was last seen with an Awan brother. The Capitol Police said he was killed in a robbery gone bad but the only item taken was his life.
  22. Of course, nothing is absolute. Even DR admits he might have to change his thinking somewhat pending new information. If I see a right turning signal I'm figuring that they may be going that way. When they actually get on the off ramp there's not much doubt left in my mind. Now could they turn around and go the wrong way on the ramp? Highly unlikely, but possibly conceivable. I figure DR is watching them on the off ramp and is pretty confident that's the way they are going. DR has a ton of time into research on this subject and has been challenged all along the way. He's been up to that challenge and has made a believer out of a lot of us. You are just another challenger in a long line of challengers but you're coming to a gunfight with not even a knife but a toy gun.
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