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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Stopthisshit.
  2. Aw shucks, that was just a delayed abortion.
  3. I've always been against abortion for me (actually for mine) but have felt that up to a certain point, it was the particular women or couples choice on whether or not to have an abortion. With that said it was between them and their God. This latest is just plain disgusting. To snuff out a baby's life a few moments before being born or just after it is born is murder. You don't need a religious foundation to be revolted by this, a foundation that includes a smidgeon of decency would suffice.
  4. I would expect a trade deal with China is close. That'll be huge.
  5. He declined medical attention? I heard he was resting comfortably in the hospital. I think a wait and see attitude is appropriate here.
  6. NYS Visitors Bureau invites school shooters to come to NYS where they will receive less resistance.
  7. Do you remember anything about that night?
  8. Tax on cigarettes is considered a sin tax.
  9. Having worked in the real estate development end of things I've run into numerous lawyers that I wouldn't trust to hang on to my lunch money for an hour. Conversely I have worked with attorneys who I had the utmost respect for. In retrospect, the lawyers that I didn't trust usually were working out of their field of expertise and tried to bs their way through the job at hand. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about and have experienced much of the same. No offense to you as I'm sure you are one of the good guys. Oh, and BTW if you want to give someone the finger, this is easier: mlm
  10. Horseshit. There was precedent for the Garland non vote. There's no precedent or moral necessity to keep RBG alive for political reasons.
  11. When sin taxes start to work they need to find other sins to make up for the loss of tax dollars.
  12. Why do you think that's true? Maybe if politicians were a little less political and lawyers were a little less litigious, eh?
  13. A fully enclosed wall?
  14. Is your real name "Frances"?
  15. Trump was assured by McConnell & Ryan that they could get the wall issue through. It turned out that there was a little more to it. Also, it's not as if he's not had a full plate. Trust the process.
  16. Once he slowed the rise of the oceans he put his efforts into affordable healthcare and transgender restrooms.
  17. Just think, a cure for cancer on Trump's watch. Is there anything he can't do?
  18. You do know what Praying Mantises do to their mate once they've had sex, right? Maybe she wasn't really mad at her husband but just jonesing for a hot dog.
  19. Hell, imagine basic training, "But Drill Sargent, that's not fair"!
  20. It's what I call a deep base.
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