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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Fingernails on a chalkboard for sure.
  2. Did you not listen to the governor's statement several days ago that the law would allow for the killing of a just born baby?
  3. Well then, let's compare his accomplishments to Obama's. Hmmmn, you come up with Obama's accomplishments and I'll state Trump's, ok?
  4. While Trump already had a record of accomplishments before becoming POTUS and has a rather heady list of accomplishments so far as the President, AOC once had a very busy night as a bartender and handled it well.
  5. You forgot to put in a jab about Trump in this post. You're slipping.
  6. I'd be more concerned that he as a teacher doesn't know the difference between accepted and excepted or foremost and for most.
  7. He's the stereotypical little biotch that has a hissy fit as he exaggerates everything that makes Trump look bad.
  8. Actually the news shows are pretty down the middle, other than Shepard Smith who would fit in very well at MSNBC.
  9. I think of you as more of a #2.
  10. It's been 26 years since a Canadian team raised the Stanley Cup. I have to give you guys credit for the many times you've won in this sport since 1993 though.
  11. The bill might not explicitly permit it but it is written in a way that the law might allow or ignore it. BTW, and I say this with respect and all sincerity, you may want to take a hard look at many of the positions of your party. It's nothing like the party of your father and if given their way would turn us into a 3rd world country.
  12. My immediate reaction to your question was that Americans and Russians don't have Tinkle Bell as their leader.
  13. I first looked at this and my immediate reaction was "how stupid" but then immediately corrected myself with "how Canadian".
  14. The question that also needs to be asked is one of context. What if that picture was taken from a play that was making fun of racism or attacking stereotypes? Not so black or white anymore, eh?
  15. Where would you rather set up camp, in the relatively roomy quarters of a v ag I n a or in the cramped dungeon of a dick?
  16. "You got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy". The dems favored candidate for POTUS.
  17. You have discovered one of the "Eight Great Truths" my friend. Congratulations, and I wish you Godspeed in your efforts to discover another one before you are called home.
  18. Strawman argument!
  19. So, now you're laughing out loud about children being forced into sex slavery? You've reached a new low which is quite an accomplishment for you.
  20. Is a black face a sign of deformity? What about a Conehead?
  21. The federal government just put an order in for 5.7 billion dollars worth of Kibbles & Bits.
  22. https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/latino/jorge-bonilla/2019/01/31/presidents-hispanic-pastors-roundtable-gets-zero-coverage Must be fake news.
  23. He has to get the story from someone who won't print the story.
  24. So, you won't believe anything unless it comes from a source that would never print it in the first place?
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