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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Government contractor repeatedly denies any knowledge of underground noises.
  2. Leave her the ***** alone. After all her father had to hitchhike 30 miles to and from work each day.
  3. He looks like he should be the Headmaster at Covington Catholic High School.
  4. Sure, reduce the time people spend on the range thus reducing their accuracy. That's what we need, people who can't shoot straight. Do these people ever think? Rhetorical question.
  5. Unfortunately Hank Johnson drowned testing his theory in a canoe.
  6. I think you'll find that conservatives and libertarians will get their news from a variety of sources. I have MSN as my homepage for example. Everyday I get to see what the ***** idiots are lying about. I especially take note of their headlines in relation to their stories. They twist everything for political purposes.
  7. It must have gone up from the list you posted on the previous page here.
  8. Especially when the SC has come out and stated that Trump is not a target n their investigation.
  9. I get around, er so to speak. I see help wanted signs on all kinds of retail and fast food. Entry level jobs are paying $1.35 an hour more than minimum wage in NYS. The raising of the minimum wage rate is not what raised wages for the lower paid workers.
  10. With the exception of those fans of the commie pinko crybaby cheating phussys that made a deal with the devil a couple of days ago.
  11. Use your imagination. Hell, they could make phussy hats or something just to show their solidarity.
  12. I just posted this on other social media and hope others do the same. This and late term abortions have begun to weigh on me heavily.
  13. WTF? We have 12 years to save the planet and you don't see the importance of using closed down plants to do something?
  14. I haven't chimed in on your idiotic statements because frankly speaking, you repulse me. Your above post is the equivalent of blaming the girl in the short skirt for getting raped. How does someone end up with a mind as warped as yours?
  15. Seriously your TDS is getting stronger and stronger. You now want a different voting standard? You want to change our representative republic to a democracy?
  16. It took you 7 hours to put that explanation together?
  17. Obviously you haven't started math yet in school, eh?
  18. There's no doubt that the education level has something to do with political preferences but I would venture to guess that so does the education specifics themselves. I think it's silly to lump in the civil engineer with the person with a women's study liberal arts degree. Then again we can't discount the extra indoctrination time that most secondary education people get. That's what I like about you row, many people take paragraph after paragraph to say nothing while you can do it in a sentence or two.
  19. One would think that the people who feel the most positive about the economy would be the most supportive of who they believe caused a better economy. My point regarding the various minimum wages was just a subtle poke at TPS regarding his assertion that the better wages were caused by government increases in minimum wages. Typically speaking, TPS as a liberal economics professor, sees the government as a panacea for all economic matters and responds as if he is being paid by the word.
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