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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Do it twice and you can't claim "typo". To, two and too. Learn the difference so that we don't call you names and you lose all self of steam.
  2. First quote on this page from LA, Dude tried to insult him by calling him "she" for no apparent reason. If you want the real reason behind his misogyny then consider his short stature and his mothers insistence upon letting his hair grow long and curly. He took Home Economics in HS, played clarinet in the band and was on the cheerleading squad. All that and his name is Leslie.
  3. Yes I did. You're right and I feel duly chastened. With that soup strainer Whipple could just be a well into middle-aged Italian woman.
  4. I know people who were on the fence until SCOTUS was brought up. They weren't overly political and disliked Hillary but abhorred Trump for his comments. The SCOTUS nomination(s) ended up getting them over the top for Trump.
  5. Of those reluctant Trump supporters I think the biggest reason that pushed them over the top was SCOTUS nominations.
  6. So, he really didn't like shopping, liver or chic flicks then? Did he give up Helen Reddy songs too?
  7. When an as of yet uncommitted Joe Biden is their best chance, things aren't looking too good for the dems. Kamala Harris is now not only supporting pot but wants to decriminalize prostitution. Warren is a scold, Booker is an idiot and Bernie's ship sailed two years ago. The New Green Deal has these people boxed in and a smart opponent won't let the public forget it.
  8. The misuse of "to" was not the point of my response. The nipping at the heels was a reference to your weak arguments.
  9. Too. You're like a little lapdog that nips at heels. He won the election because of the SCOTUS nominations coming up.
  10. The folks spouting off that line of thinking were always going to have objections to anything Trump does. If we make a deal, Kim's stock will go up. If we don't, he'll be seen as the same old oppressor he's always been.
  11. Depends. Some plys are softer and more squeezable than others. Mr Whipple is an expert.
  12. Discuss honestly. You know damn well that 2 years doesn't equal 8 years and without comparison (context) the figures don't mean jackshit. We all know that the economy is much improved with the increased % in the workforce, the fact that there are more jobs than people looking and the increase in wages.
  13. Yes, those moderates and liberals have done so much to keep Israel safe in the past.
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