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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Instead of Viagra?
  2. Smoking pot and driving shouldn't be such a bad thing. It's hard to do any damage at 11 mph.
  3. You might want to reword that.
  4. Having a proclivity for carpet munching doesn't make you a lesbian.
  5. I've got someone who might be able to tutor you:
  6. You're shitting me. You claim to be an English Language Arts teacher and you don't know the difference between to and too? You say your when you're is what you meant? Maybe you need to learn to code. BTW, you've twice refused to answer a question regarding fraud and the Obamas that I asked you. Why?
  7. His birthday Is coming up and I understand he's registered here at Bob's Gun Shop & Paraphernalia: https://www.thrillist.com/vice/gun-shaped-pipes-robert-mickelsen-weapons-of-peace Just a sampling:
  8. Well, it evens things out for you a little bit. Gives you a smidgeon of a shot.
  9. http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/in-this-oil-boom-town-even-a-barber-can-make-dollar180000/ar-BBUeQU5?li=BBnbfcN&ocid=HPDHP17 Where even a barber can earn $180,000 a year.
  10. Don't worry about everyone else, take a small step and start thinking for yourself.
  11. I know, it's a waste of time for her being Bernie's "mouthpiece". She should be mine.
  12. So, you too want to take advantage of poor illegal females?
  13. Your habit of calling posters here some sort of female designation is insulting to females. While there may be a rare occasion to make fun of someone like Justin Trudeau or Michelle Obama and refer to them as girls, it is over the line to randomly call everyone you disagree with a lady or some type of female. If I was a female I'd kick your ass for doing so.
  14. Well, we know there are ties to Kenya and Kenyan Muslims were the catalyst for the slave trade in East Africa so I'm going to make the assumption that Barack owes money for reparations. Michelle Obama has white slavers in her ancestry so she too owes reparations. Since they both committed fraud to the tune of 500K one would surmise that not only do they owe for reparations but an additional 500K plus interest should be thrown into the pot too. Yes, she sucked at it before Willie.
  15. Should we exempt the Obamas from reparations, since they seem to have already taken up a policy of self-reparations (some called it fraud)? I asked the following question earlier and haven't seen a response yet, so I'll repeat it: If it was discovered that both Michelle and her husband colluded with a known felon serving time to perpetrate fraud while accepting a bribe of 500K would you change your mind about them? The above is not some wild-ass accusation but a provable fact. Do you care to answer the question or do you want to keep your Black Camelot beliefs intact?
  16. If it was discovered that both Michelle and her husband colluded with a known felon serving time to perpetrate fraud while accepting a bribe of 500K would you change your mind about them?
  17. you're an
  18. What experience does she have? Remember when she said that "this is the first time I'm proud of my country"? How about "all this for a ***** flag"? Besides, I don't think we're ready for a transgender president.
  19. He'll be put away at a federal club med where there are no violent offenders.
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