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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You're a teacher. Take a look at that creep's sentence and imagine him as a true intellectual.
  2. Looks like the DNC adopted the NHL's All Star voting rules.
  3. The Boy From Jamestown, doing his daily Happy Dance.
  4. As much as I despise responding to your dumb ass I'd like to point out that yes, getting rid of dead fall and creating firebreaks is a tried and true way of reducing the damage caused by forest fires. One of the ways to stop a fire in its tracks is to take away its fuel. There are other ways to prevent forest fires but don't ask environmental groups why they have successfully fought against trimming tree branches around power lines in California. You sarcastically smear Trump regarding his leadership in a crises. WTF is wrong with you? He calls for preventive measures to ameliorate damage done in fire season and you mock him because some political hack writer creates a piss poor article trying to defend the idiots in California? As usual, you offer this forum nothing more than dumbassery.
  5. Not only that but she's displaying her unique abilities to act like a chameleon. This "black" woman has whiter skin in this picture than AOC. I guess she was just putting her white privilege on display dressed in a manner that highlights her dominance. Did she have to use whiteface though?
  6. Black & Female are now qualifications?
  7. These were your responses to Doc and Wacka. I have not altered anything and they are verbatim. Now tell me how I'm the one misrepresenting your post? Not only are you a sleazeball but you're in over your head here. Don't you ever have shame for your sick but weak mind?
  8. How come all of the restrictions, business, government agencies or schools require LESS work for the employees?
  9. Sounds like those radials need to be balanced and aligned.
  10. One way or another we'll have a transfer of wealth, eh?
  11. No, they were arming Iran and arranging to give Iran pallets of cash that they would shortly pass on to finance worldwide terrorism and pay bounties for the killing of our troops. Yes, Obama/Biden sent cash to Iran to kill our own troops.
  12. It was just The Butcher of Albany's way of speeding up herd immunity.
  13. I believe the reimbursements were $13,000 for each Covid-19 patient but $39,000 for each Covid-19 patient put on a ventilator. What do you think Gloria Akalitus would do? Bonus points available for knowing this reference without Googling it.
  14. I think they were trying to convince you that Joe Biden was alive.
  15. Tell us, did you at least secretly laugh?
  16. Tiberius tries to jam his 8-track into his MP3 player on a regular basis.
  17. Puddy? You mean this guy? It's putty, like a material you might patch something with.
  18. Angry Joe talking about love. I'm wondering if the teleprompter pissed him off.
  19. I know it's too late to tell you not to be an asswhole but at least act like you've worn your last diaper.
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