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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ That's a line and you crossed it.
  2. You complete us. Now go diddle Miss Piggy.
  3. Do you think you're the only one here that could successfully dispute that?
  4. You know this is disingenuous so why would you post it knowing that it can be easily disputed? Have some respect for your fellow posters.
  5. Thanks for the complement. I had my hard drive replaced recently and it's acting as ***** up as HA HA Gator.
  6. HA HA Gator, you are about as dumb of a ***** that exists. Texas, for example has 29 official guarded points of entry. There are a thousand ways to get across the border with or without a vehicle and basically escape detection. Barriers would prevent that. That right there completely blows up your asinine premise.
  7. My first thought was that a developer was going to redevelop the property and the rent of course was going to be the developers return on investment. One of the comments with the article said rent was to be 700k a year and the developer was going to spend 34 million. It doesn't make sense since that would only be a 2% return. Even it was 900k like the figures above suggest it would only be about 2.6%. There's something wrong here.
  8. Biden has always been wishy washy about everything. As I remember, he said he wouldn't have pulled the trigger on the Osama killing because there was too much of a downside if the mission failed.
  9. That year we had a group of Bills fans and one Dolphin fan go to three different houses for the playoffs. Two of us got to keep our houses but one guy had to sell his or we'd never return to it because of the bad memories. Was that the game Montana played?
  10. Wasn't there talk about reinstating the draft?
  11. That doesn't make sense and is not germane to the discussion.
  12. The UK has no-go zones for police or even civilians that aren't Muslim. In the UK they practice Sharia Law in those no-go zones. Their country isn't theirs anymore. Omar was elected in a district that has enough Muslims to vote her into office. She's representing the beliefs of the people she represents. See the link for the kind of people she represents----refugees who want to create a Little Somalia in Minneapolis. https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/18/ilhan-omar-district-terror/ FBI statistics reveal that Minnesota’s fifth congressional district, which is represented by Rep. Ilhan Omar and includes the urban area of Minneapolis, is the jurisdiction with the highest rate of terrorist recruitment in the United States. Minnesota is reported to have the highest Somali population in the United States, with current population estimates breaching 100,000. This demographic has proven to be connected to terror-related activities, Fox News reports, “More men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined — or attempted to join — a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country. FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS.” In the past, Omar has shown her strong affinity for the Somali community in her district, as well as abroad. In one case in 2016, Omar — who at the time was only a state rep. in Minnesota — defended a group of nine Somalis who had attempted to cross the border into Mexico in a plan to reach Syria, “planning to join ISIS,” KMSP-TV reports.
  13. You don't believe what she's stated? The question you need to answer is: are you better off today than 2+ years ago? It would be interesting to see how your own personal values and opinions are based on your research. What research? It is obvious that you are a phony, not deserving of any serious conversation here. ***** off.
  14. Reminded me of the 51-3 beating of the Raiders in the AFC Championship game where they kept breaking in for the 1st Iraqi war news. Every time they came back to the game we had scored again. I still have that game on a VCR tape.
  15. What, the light wouldn't come on?
  16. It's a well known fact that it is more difficult to hear when wearing blackface.
  17. Are you expecting an answer?
  18. Let me get this straight. Everything that comes across the border and through our ports of entry gets examined to some extent. Virtually nothing that comes across our border between those ports of entry gets examined. How can anyone claim that the problem is mainly at the ports of entry when we are not effectively controlling the open areas? Just because more contraband is found at the ports of entry doesn't mean that 10x that amount isn't coming across our open areas. What a ***** up conclusion.
  19. This is what I posted: Bernie has stated in the past that bread lines are a good thing. As far as I'm concerned that represents exactly what Saunders said. I didn't imply anything, I stated it.
  20. Does anyone here believe that it is not Trump's duty to keep our borders controlled? Our citizens safe??
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