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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Good to see you coming around. Rep Deutch was all in on naming Ilhan Omar's anti-Semite language as just that and specifically censoring her in the House. He spoke out against watering down the language to include a whole bunch of other hate speech. There may be some small hope for you yet.
  2. It's like you come to PPP to doodle.
  3. She has some strange and difficult positions. Almost contorted.
  4. Yes, without a doubt spurred by the Deep State's FISA warrant and subsequent spying on Mohammad.
  5. Can they still keep the Village People, consisting of several Queens and the inspiration for Trudeau?
  6. It is Joe Biden. Looks like him and sounds like him. Maybe it's why he quit drinking, eh?
  7. This will be played every day.
  8. It's because you can't defend your lies.
  9. If he doesn't know how to unload it he never should have it in the first place.
  10. Joe Biden thought he was clean too.
  11. So, this is not a place to come for discussion and if I disagree with a black person, I'm a racist? So, this is not a place to come for discussion and if I disagree with a black person, I'm a racist?
  12. And you know this how? I'm being rhetorical. HAHA Gator said this: "Military pensions to be raided to fund the stupid wall!! What?" It was a lie.
  13. HAHA Gator, you are the master of the lie. Do you not read what you post? WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon is planning to tap $1 billion in leftover funds from military pay and pension accounts to help President Donald Trump pay for his long-sought border wall, a top Senate Democrat said Thursday. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told The Associated Press, “It’s coming out of military pay and pensions. $1 billion. That’s the plan.” Durbin said the funds are available because Army recruitment is down and a voluntary early military retirement program is being underutilized. The development comes as Pentagon officials are seeking to minimize the amount of wall money that would come from military construction projects that are so cherished by lawmakers. Durbin said, “Imagine the Democrats making that proposal — that for whatever our project is, we’re going to cut military pay and pensions.” Durbin, the top Democrat on the Appropriations panel for the Pentagon, was among a bipartisan group of lawmakers who met with Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan on Thursday morning. The Pentagon is planning to transfer money from various accounts into a fund dedicated to drug interdiction, with the money then slated to be redirected for border barriers and other purposes.
  14. Glad to see we agree on something. I do question your premise that Obama's spending declined after the first year or so. While you may be technically correct it's the same old trick the grocery stores use when they double the price on an item and then offer it at 33% off. If Obama raised spending by a trillion then the next year's spending was 900 billion he did reduce spending by 100 billion for that year but increased it by 900 billion from two years ago.
  15. https://www.nationalreview.com/2013/10/president-who-has-done-most-damage-dennis-prager/ http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/dicintio/110924
  16. Migrants journey north can be perilous: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/truck-roll-over-in-mexico-kills-at-least-25/ar-BBUvPdF?ocid=HPDHP17 At least 25 migrants from Central America were killed while 30 or so were injured in a rollover accident in Mexico as they were being transported north in a container attached to a pickup truck.
  17. No, no he wasn't. He campaigned on fundamentally changing America and when he couldn't buy legislators off (like he did with the ACA) he just made up Executive Orders to do what he wanted. Those EO's set us back in many ways, specifically with the economy and immigration and their reversal has been a boon to our economy. Obama was worse than Carter and will be viewed as such in the future. He was a scoundrel who schemed his way to try to get what he wanted.
  18. I guess technically she'll be in solitary confinement with a lot of visitors then.
  19. HAHA Gator does a little jig when he reads a headline that he thinks is bad for the USA. I wonder if it was enough to get a belly laugh, or if he needs someone to die to get that kind of response?
  20. My laptop is f'n up.
  21. I figured you would respond like this. He was talking about you and your potential actions. You were talking about his wife and what (in your mind) she's probably doing. There's a difference and you crossed the line. Just admit it and move on.
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