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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I think he was referring to Dilation and Afterbirth Abortion. Two children have died in detention camp medical facilities after they arrived from Central America already ill.
  2. https://youtu.be/wU0Pp2n6ooE?list=SRmorris albert feelings
  3. "Love your enemies".
  4. You clearly have not had the opportunity to discuss this subject with people who are very knowledgeable about it and could enlighten you. This is not the place for it though.
  5. The amount of ignorance displayed in that thread is the equivalent of a dinner table discussion at Gleeful Gator's house hut cave.
  6. Why bring Hillary into the discussion?
  7. I'm just waiting on that thread to be sent down here. Many of those kids need a good spanking before being sent to bed without dinner, and I think we have enough adults here to do it.
  8. This subject has been discussed thoroughly in PPP where this thread should go.
  9. I'm counting down the time and biting my tongue anticipating this thread being relegated to a place where some of these comments can be responded to in a way they deserve. I came here to TSW to read and discuss football but got kiddie table level political gibberish.
  10. I don't know about your football knowledge but there are no bunts allowed in the NFL.
  11. Brilliant. How about "gatored"?
  12. Was Hijacked By Its Own Creator. Gleeful Gator, aka Tiberius changed the title to try to change the subject of his own thread. He did this because he was embarrassed that his original premise was thoroughly debunked. This was his OP in the other thread: Just disgusting, racist punks! This is the hateful garbage Trump is enabling. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/congresswoman-condemns-students-mocking-native-american-man-in-video Rep. Deb Haaland (D-NM) on Saturday condemned students shown in a video mocking and yelling at a Native American man at the first annual Indigenous Peoples March the previous day. At one point in the footage, a woman tells the students: “You guys are acting like a mob, that’s what’s going on. ***** mob mentality. It’s awesome, because you guys are what, like 16? How old are you?” Some of the students mocking Phillips in the video are wearing Trump campaign apparel. Others are wearing Covington Catholic High School gear. TPM’s request for comment to the Kentucky school’s principal and assistant principals has gone unanswered. A school calendar for Covington Catholic shows that students were planning on being in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 18 and 19 for the March for Life, an anti-abortion event. In a statement released to the Cincinnati Inquirer, the Diocese of Covington and Covington Catholic High said: Edited 4 hours ago by Tiberius Please post your thoughts about the Covington Kids in this thread.
  13. This was a thread about the Covington kids. The OP just changed the title today because he'sashithead.
  14. People were protesting the tearing down of statues while others were protesting the statues themselves. Those were the good people on both sides. Antifa decided to counter protest. The Nazis showed up to fight Antifa. The Nazis and Antifa were the bad people on both sides.
  15. Women in combat. Puts a whole new meaning on the term "gangbang". Sorta like the old movie "Three in the Attic".
  16. Change it back real soon or I'll start a thread to replace this one.
  17. In a lot of instances it is one and the same.
  18. Nice comparison. That's like comparing a screwdriver with a hammer.
  19. Thanks a lot, but I'd prefer it if you spelled it "chosen". Chozen is an animated comedy about its title character, "Chozen," a gay white rapper fresh out of prison. Armed with a new message, Chozen is on a quest for redemption and to claim his .. You Canadians are always obsessing over gay things like The Village People or your Prime Minister. The problem isn't that HAHA Gator posts too much but that he posts at all.
  20. I'm one of the few people here that will take the time to still have a discussion with you. With posts like this above I'm rethinking my options. You're crusading.
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