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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Hey, he's already in California, give him a break.
  2. Yes, but the newly issued pellet gun requirement for a sidearm is probably a better way to achieve their goals.
  3. I think the term is "Obstruction of Justice".
  4. Hey, I found a perfect name and pic for your autobiography:
  5. Gleeful Gator, demonstrating his total lack of reading comprehension.
  6. All of the major Dem presidential candidates, with the exception of the one that likes to eat her salad with a comb have come out in support of The New Green Deal. They did this because they felt they each had to be far left to gain the nomination. I'm as gleeful as gator watching a killing with the positions these idiots have staked out. AOC has become the spiritual leader of the Dems. I wonder what bumper stickers they will choose: No More Jobs 4 NYC Castrate All Bulls* Ground All Planes** Medicare For All Free College Who's The Boss? I'm The Boss. Fossil Fuels Are Passe I'll Take That As A Yes Impeach The MF *PETA wouldn't allow for the immediate slaughter **Central Planning is deciding if not only bi-planes should be exempted but the rest of the LGBQTRSTWXYZ community gets a break
  7. It's Vontae Davis fellas.
  8. Methinks people who get their knowledge from MSNBC and Huff Post headlines aren't very knowledgeable.
  9. https://hotair.com/archives/2018/10/17/paid-democratic-voter-fraud-ring-uncovered-texas/ Four women are facing felony charges, accused of being part of what Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office called an organized voter fraud ring in Fort Worth. The voter fraud charges involve mail-in ballots sent in ahead of the 2016 primary election in Texas. Paxton’s office said the case targeted elderly voters on the north side of Fort Worth… A grand jury indicted Leticia Sanchez, Leticia Sanchez Tepichin, Maria Solis and Laura Parra on Wednesday. Paxton’s office said the women harvested votes, by filling out applications for mail-in ballots, with forged signatures. Then they would either “assist” the voter with filling out the ballot, or fill it out themselves, and use deception to get the voter to sign the envelope the ballot would be sent back in. The Attorney General’s office has been pursuing this case for two years and it’s a major organized crime situation. Known as “harvesters,” these women were part of a group that has been filling out ballots in the hundreds or even the thousands. While four women have been indicted on sixteen counts thus far, the AG is saying that there are more people involved and a lot more incidents. These are just the ones they feel confident they can get convictions on for the time being. Recommended Recommended
  10. That office doesn't look much better than a cubicle. Not even a picture on the wall.
  11. If Afterbirth Abortion is an oxymoron then a better description might be murder, eh? The kids were brought to the authorities because they were ill already. One of them died by extreme dehydration caused by the lack of fluids during her trek from Central America.
  12. Pay attention to Deranged Rhino's post just above. I think all of his advice is good but pay special attention to the lurk for awhile and get to know the board suggestion. We have very few misunderstandings here between the regular established posters because we know each other and how they think. BTW, welcome. I think he lives in Georgia, outside Atlanta.
  13. It would appear as if you think we are a straight democracy.
  14. Yes, but whose choice is the "all or nothing" approach? Hint: we have 50 of them or 57 according to Obama.
  15. This is exactly what I was referring to earlier in this thread. If you are going to make allegations, substantiate them. If you are not going to substantiate them then your time here is not going to be very pleasant.
  16. When he finally gets banned we'll have to muster him out with a yellow stripe down his back.
  17. It is amazing to me how politically ignorant some people are. I guess that's why we end up with Talib, Omar and AOC. Oh, and Hank Johnson and Maxine Waters.
  18. Hey come on, we've let HAHA Gator post here for years, why keep his brothers out?
  19. I want to welcome all of you TSW posters to the discussion here at PPP. I know many of you will be uncomfortable here because we don't letshitslide and you'll have to make a reasoned case for your uninformed opinions, which is an impossible task in and of itself. Please feel free to repeat your unsubstantiated horseshit that you posted on TSW this morning. As some of you might know, we are self-moderating here so you are free to spew. Have at it.
  20. Well, it appears as if Jeffrey Epstein, along with Harvey Weinstein are crashing too...…………………………………………...right on to Hillary's lap.
  21. So again HAHA Gator posts something here without reading the article. He then goes on to say he didn't read it because he didn't want to learn the truth, he just wanted to confirm his bias and make unsubstantiated claims against Trump.
  22. Just like the bank most likely owns your house. It's apparent, throughout this thread that you don't know anything about business or real estate.
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