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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I wasn't referring to me you silly ass. I just wouldn't want to be DC Tom whenever OC shows up here.
  2. Says the guy who earns his living by folding towels at the laundromat.
  3. Sure, how would you like it if he was kicking your ass all over the place and making you out to be a moron? Oh, all while proclaiming himself to be the wisest person to have ever stepped into PPP.
  4. You are not wrong in discussing whether or not we (all other religions) can exist with Muslims. That would be a good topic. What isn't needed is to bring up your hatred and longing to return to the battlefield in order to kill "Haj" in that conversation. Use your head.
  5. I guess he's avoiding that question. Why don't you fill us in on all of your gay thoughts?
  6. Does this mean I should give up my Poster of the Year award? Being called out by the likes of you is like I'm going to get another nomination this year. Thanks. .
  7. I hardly call him a worthy opponent:
  8. This kind of careless posting is what gets you in trouble. Would you have hated the Chinese or Filipinos in WW11? The South Koreans and South Vietnamese in those conflicts?
  9. First of all I'm having trouble with my laptop double and triple posting. As you can see, I immediately edited out the extra posts. You must have been ready to pounce in order to be able to quote the unedited post. Second of all, your memory is very foggy or just outright wrong. That would not have been my position on leaving Iraq. Since you are so determined to prove me wrong maybe you should provide some links to show how you kicked my ass, or don't you know how to do that?
  10. I don't have pictures of Trudeau's band opening up their a-holes for The Village People. Sorry to disappoint you.
  11. 420, eh? I wonder what they were smoking? "Beta" is more appropriate.
  12. I understand Trudeau's band opened for The Village People...…………………………………………………………………………..every one of them.
  13. 2020 New Zealand election a 'juicy target' for major hack - John Podesta 10/03/2019 Why, when they can predict the future?
  14. Those Romans could do anything: https://www.getroman.com/?campaign=TM-GetRoman&medium=cpc&msclkid=59d3dbeeba2414a8f78e87657f67f5c2&ro_a={creative}&ro_c=267633122&ro_ch=cpc&ro_con=0&ro_d=c&ro_g=1142393070213077&ro_n=o&ro_p=bing&ro_t=kwd-71399973954074%3Aloc-4116&source=bing
  15. Gee, golly, gosh, I don't remember that. Do you have a link for this purported sting on my ass? I hope it's not as bad as when you pwned DC Tom.
  16. No, no and no. Let the IRS look at that under normal procedures. Tax returns don't need to be made public. There's too much that the media and opposition can distort.
  17. You sound like you could be Brodie's cousin Walter. Well, are you punk?
  18. If you are thought of as a racist and bigoted POS then you might want to post your solutions, but skip the sarcasm. Your method is like housing the meanest bull in the proverbial china shop. You could go on a fishing trip to Canada and end up starting a war between us. You may just be trying to shock people here but all you're gaining is pariah status at PPP.
  19. Newsflash, Rip Van Winkle has awakened in order to spread his wisdom amongst PPP. God help us.
  20. Your solutions or those solutions modified may have some merit. Your enthusiasm for "killing Haj" is what is repulsive. You will never get to discuss the meat of your proposals when you spew your hate.
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