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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Do you think you could go transplant yourself to somewhere else? Your description above is not what went down here but as usual, you're a snowflake and you'll try to find a way to make this the perception. If you were paying attention you'd have noticed that the bolded above was universally condemned here.
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/world/how-socialism-turned-venezuela-from-the-wealthiest-country-in-south-america-into-an-economic-basket-case Chavez succeeded in re-writing the Constitution, which came with new rights to things like free government-provided health care, college, and “social justice”. The constitution passed a popular vote easily, with 72% of the vote. The basic structure of both the old and new constitutions followed the U.S. model – with a Presidency, a legislative branch, and a Supreme Court. However, after several Supreme Court rulings went against Chavez, in 2004 he “stacked the court” by passing a law to add 12 new justices to it – justices that he got to pick. A similar move was once proposed in the United States by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the idea has also been proposed recently by professors angry about President Trump’s nomination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the court. Only once Chavez had control of the courts and the legislature did he begin to fully advance socialist policies. VENEZUELA'S LEADERSHIP CRISIS 'CANNOT BE IGNORED' AS WORLD PICKS WHETHER TO BACK MADURO OR SUPPORT OPPONENT GUIADO Video “A series of changes started to show us the terrifying truth,” Giannina Raffo said. “Constant attacks on private property, the implementation of very harmful economic policies, criminalization of dissent, censorship, etc,” In 2006, Chavez ran for election on an overtly socialist platform, and soon after he won, he began major seizures privately-owned property. Thousands of private businesses were nationalized – including media outlets, oil and power companies, mines, farms, banks, factories, and grocery stores. One video shows a shop owner in tears as his business is confiscated for charging higher prices than were allowed. Through the nationalizations, Americans from Michael Moore to Nobel-prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz often applauded Chavez’s regime. In beginning, Chavez had shown some progress in reducing poverty – something experts say was possible by spending Venezuela’s vast oil wealth. “They were able to fund a lot with the oil money, and when oil prices went down, the rest of the economy had been just destroyed,” Tom Palmer, Executive VP at the Atlas Network, told Fox News. Does anyone know what Venezuelans used for light before candles? ELECTRICITY
  3. Sounds reasonable and a good place to start would be in our schools/madrassas.
  4. No ***** kidding. I was referring specifically to the idiots on TV whether they were just leftist politicians or leftist MSM. I was also responding to a post that was showing a disingenuous report that of course was a leftist lie. You're right, the left doesn't hold all the perps, just most of them and nearly all of them that get TV time. You're approaching "Yesbut" status, always equivocating.
  5. It never fails to amaze me how ignorant and dishonest people on the left (which of course includes nearly all of the MSM) can be. Just the other day I heard one politician decry Trump's "sea to sea concrete wall". In spite of all the clear evidence the left is clinging to false narratives that have all been debunked over the last two years or so. The media is supposed to be knowledgeable and honest but these people are anything but. They don't knowshit about what they report on. Thanks mainly to this place I could win a debate with any of the leftistshits I see on TV.
  6. Chik Fil-A is a hell of a franchise (I think it's franchised). I'm not one to go for the chicken sandwich so I had no burning desire to seek out one of their stores, but gave them a shot a couple weeks ago. I walked in at 3:00pm to get a sandwich for a late lunch and there were 30 or so people in front of me in line. I tried the # 1 meal which I assumed was their original chicken sandwich and it was excellent. All the tables were filled and it was mid afternoon! No wonder they can take Sundays off.
  7. He's filled in nicely in John Wawrow's time slot.
  8. Per your link Sarah Sanders @PressSec The author of the fake Russia dossier - paid for by Hillary and the DNC and used to launch the witch hunt against President @realDonaldTrump - now admits he relied on claims posted by a random person on a CNN site “not edited, fact-checked or screened” foxnews.com/politics/autho… 6:32 AM - 16 Mar 2019 Old CNN website was source of unvetted 'random' info used by author of anti-Trump dossier, docs... Former British spy Christopher Steele confessed that he used an unverified report submitted to a CNN website, where “random individuals” can post information, for his salacious anti-Trump dossier. Fox News @FoxNews
  9. "Jack and Coke" spewing his drunk nonsense again.
  10. Ah, Jack and Coke is up in the wee hours of the morning, spewing his not so clever nonsense.
  11. Beat me to it. I think he knows about American exceptionalism and just comes here to try to get some of it to rub off (on).
  12. That's just your opinion Queen worshipper. The facts say that it is 25 in a row in favor of the good guys.
  13. I really don't know. We've won 25 or so in a row, so there's that. Besides, why would the Canadian players want to give up half their salary to play in Canada? Then of course there's that allegiance to the Queen thing. Archaic.
  14. We even bring home the bacon better than they do.
  15. You may laugh at their stupidity but arrogance preceded that stupidity.
  16. Are you really this ignorant or is being obtuse just a part of your DNA?
  17. Regardless of your stance as it pertains to the program it wasn't the FISA program that was the problem. It was the lies given to the FISA judge(s) that were the travesty.
  18. Since Trump doesn't get anything done. -) This is the most open and transparent presidency that I've ever known. He's the get 'er done president and no one would know it if he didn't make it known himself.
  19. This is why you can't get anywhere with the point you attempt to make. No matter how wise your point could be you contaminate it withshitlikethis.
  20. Canadian Juniors is redundant.
  21. It's quite reasonable to harbor animus towards people who were trying to kill you. I don't think I'd want to go back and do it all over again because of the "high" I'd get though.
  22. Don't respond so quickly and it's all alright. Don't respond so quickly and it's all alright.
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