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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I just spent the last 2 days in Central PA where the presidential tv advertising is constant. They're defiantly spending money there.
  2. Be careful, this is how he reels unsuspecting people in. He's looking for a tranny and thinks this might be a place to go fishing. Ever since they closed the restrooms on the interstates he's been having a hard time. The last time I warned people he called me a #### blocker.
  3. No, they're on my endangered feces list.
  4. Well, forget anything involving crow. The Left has had to eat so much of it lately it's now on the endangered species list.
  5. That's one way to get you to go back and read what you link to.
  6. People are stupid to jump to conclusions over this. How do we know that he wasn't reaching for a gun when he leaned into the vehicle?
  7. This looks like a copy and paste. Where's your link? Just because your hero Joe Biden, approves of plagiarism doesn't mean that we do here.
  8. It seems natural to me that the White Supremacists return to their roots in the Democrat Party.
  9. I don't think I've ever seen anyone as dumb as Gleeful Gator. Maybe just nobody dumber. Anyway, Trump uses an E.O. to try to keep the rank and file from being hurt too bad while Leader Nancy tries to create a crises calling the House back in session on a Saturday to vote on a ridiculous bill that has no basis for what she is claiming. The Post Office is not running out of money. They are funded through August of 2021 and have another 10 billion available to them. Saying that they need 25 billion in order to handle mail-in or absentee ballots this year for the election is complete made up horseshit by Pelosi. Never let a crises Create a crisis to get what you want. In the meantime Nancy refuses to work on the real problems of helping our country back to prosperity.
  10. Horseshit! There may be leaders of other countries who don't like Trump but they sure respect him. He's gotten many NATO countries to pony up while punishing Germany for their reticence to do so. When oil prices plummeted a few months ago he got Russia and Saudi Arabia to lower the supply in order to support the prices and make our oil industry viable. We've been able to supply the world with ventilators only because he took firm action to get them made. He took the lead on a Middle East peace agreement between Israel and the UEA. Heads of State of other countries cherish a visit to the White House. What about trade agreements in NA and China? How about Mexico placing their troops on both their southern and northern borders to tamp down on illegal immigration to the U.S.? The list goes on and on.
  11. This is why I should have known better than to respond to you. You, foreigner that you are, didn't bother to read/comprehend what I posted. You don't know our country but pretend to tell us all about it. Think of Trump as the QB who continually throws perfect passes to Cuomo and DeBlasio and they drop very one of them. Niagara Bill, sportswriter that he is, blames Trump for poor passing percentage.
  12. Economic figures can be manipulated but the true indication of how the economy is producing is wage growth, which is determined by the availability of jobs. All of the rest that you ninnies claim is nothing but fluff.
  13. True, we used to get 20,000 people per day traveling to our west coast from China. As soon as the WHO stated that the virus actually could be transferred from people to people Trump basically shut down travel into the U.S. from China. Funny thing though, other than a nursing home in Washington state the virus seemed to be pretty much controlled on the west coast until months later. That belies your theory there. In the NYC area I agree with you. The rest of your post is just horseshit and makes you look like a stupid poster.
  14. You have no idea how our government works. States Rights are an important part of the way we work here and governors actually are responsible for the individual states. The federal government's involvement is limited to coordinating between the states and providing (this is iffy) equipment. The federal government encouraged all states to order their residents to distance and to close down stores and restaurants to slow the spread of the virus. There was concern that the number of serious virus cases would overwhelm our medical facilities to the extent that there would not be enough hospital beds or ventilators for those that had to have them. Do you remember "flatten the curve"? This was for a 15-day period. Some governors and a mayor failed miserably. While other states were taking precautions Cuomo (and DeBlasio) encouraged life as usual, even going so far as to suggest to NYers that they go to restaurants, the theater, etc. They did nothing to keep people off the subway or to insure that the system was sanitized. On top of that Cuomo ordered the return of people to nursing homes while they still were contagious, killing well over 12,000 senior citizens. Your ignorance of our way of government and your left wing political biases are idiotic. Lost in all of this is that China deliberately sent forth this virus upon the world, but you want to blame Trump for governor's stupid actions that went against federal guidelines.
  15. The ACA may have made things better for some people but for the majority of people it made things worse. High premiums and ridiculous deductibles are its main accomplishments.
  16. He admittedly started posting here to keep his debating skills sharp during the virus and subsequent court shutdown. Although I don't understand how a 3rd Chair ever gets to speak up in court, I can see how he feels a need to improve those skills. He also needed practice spelling the word "hoax".
  17. Section 8 is fond of bringing up such things like semi colons. It's his way of getting his nose under the tent. Next thing he'll be asking you if you want one hump or two.
  18. Yes, and how have the democrats improved either of those areas in the last several decades?
  19. They have a right to make a living too. Silly boy, Obama stopped that rise in sea level just in the nick of time.
  20. Joe's plan sounds strangely familiar to some other plan (without the do everything to prevent a single death focus) I've heard of lately. I wonder where he got it from? I know, it's what Trump's been doing all along. What do they call that when you copy someone else without giving them credit? Biden should know, he's done it enough times.
  21. @B-ManLEFTWARD HO? That's a little harsh on Kamala, isn't it?
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