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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Come on, you need to spice up your descriptions. How about: "it went down quicker than Gleeful Gator on half off big loads day at his laundromat"?
  2. That's because we are a predominately Christian (or other religions) country. In time we could become a predominately Muslim country and you may not be able to say that. The_Dude was right in that Western Civilization is on a crash course with Fundamentalist Islam. No amount of fence sitting, equivocating or "yesbut" language or blaming it on the media will change that.
  3. Generally speaking, Muslims in the more extreme situations are afraid to go against the extremists in their community. Christians don't have that problem. If any Christian fundamentalist tried to threaten any Christians they'd be ridiculed to no end. Christian extremists are impotent. Islamic fundamentalists chop off heads. All extremists are not the same.
  4. This is a post from The_Dude (last Monday). It's a post that gets to the heart of the matter that he so ineptly bungled. Putting his hatred for "Hajis" aside, this below is the main situation that should be a topic of discussion amongst all people of peace: "Its more than a “tiny” minority. It is a minority, but the issue is as I’ve said a million times, in Islam the tail wags the dog. In Muslim communities the fundamentalists quickly become the voice of the community because in order to contradict them one has to contradict Mohammad which CANNOT be done. That’s why Islam is what it is. Most Muslims want to live life peacefully, but they’re the silent majority who always gets pushed around by the agenda of the fundamentalists." Looks like you have a big challenge ahead of you.
  5. It's like he's on a mission to make all Canadians look bad. He's The Ugly Canadian.
  6. Said like a true non-patriot. Why do you lefties wish for America to fail?
  7. https://splinternews.com/this-is-what-an-inhuman-prison-cell-looks-like-in-norwa-1793856364 21 years of prison with pretty nice accommodations including a computer and play station. Oh, I forgot the treadmill. He killed 77 people.
  8. The story behind Transplant's transplant
  9. I've seen your "facts". No matter how much you piss and moan about the unfairness of it all, no Canadian hockey team has brought home The Cup for 25 years. That's 1/4 of a century, halfway to your first retirement or half the time since Margaret Trudeau flashed her beaver for all to see.
  10. While I was being sarcastic regarding the FISA warrant (this -) means tongue-in-cheek) your summary was helpful.
  11. I told him it was an 8-ball and sold it to him.
  12. We know BBO is a doctor, but what kind of doctor? You may have just called a witch doctor a liar. HAHA.
  13. Sure, but he confused you with 34 and you are accepting his apology? Weakshit.
  14. Sorry, HAHA Gator can't make it on Mondays. Too many towels to fold after the weekend.
  15. You might want to get to learn a little bit about the posters here before shooting your mouth off. If you did you might have realized that what you are attributing to Chef just doesn't make any sense.
  16. The_Dude had some serious points that should be discussed, but he didn't allow for that discussion because he surrounded the serious points with either a legitimate hate for "Haj" or he was pulling our collective legs with fake hate. The real question to answer is if the western world can coexist peacefully with fundamentalist Islam?
  17. You know what SDS doesn't allow though is for me to call HAHA Gator a ######, so I have to call him "gatored".
  18. Where the hell did you get that quote attributed to me?
  19. He has certain points but he doesn't know how to articulate them and was unwilling to cease with the shock comments. No one was going to discuss his legitimate points when he was simultaneously talkingbadshit.
  20. Just about everything. I will not discuss or argue with you because you're posting stuff that is slanted or flat out wrong, so I have determined that you aren't worth my time.
  21. Just about everything you have stated above is wrong and you have come here just to create havoc. Till the next time.
  22. See, assimilation is what those of us whose families may have been here for a much longer time want to see from new citizens. It doesn't mean we want you to erase your heritage, it means we don't want you to try to force your heritage or beliefs on us. We have certain traditions that are important to us and you have no right to demand the removal of things like nativity scenes or have us adhere to your religious holidays. What is unacceptable to us is the introduction of practices like Sharia Law and no-go zones like what's happening in Europe.
  23. Well, when his pet moose isn't in heat what else is there to do?
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