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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Just from observation, that ancestor was most likely a lusty slave master.
  2. He's a far left Australian Eco-fascist. https://thenationalsentinel.com/2019/03/15/new-zealand-mass-shooter-is-a-far-left-eco-fascist-who-praised-communist-china/ Far from being a rally-attending apologist for President Donald Trump like the fake media is now claiming, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, the man whom Australian media outlets have named as the shooter, is a self-described “eco-fascist by nature” – meaning he’s a Leftist that’s more aligned with Democrats than Republicans. Tarrant clearly wrote in his rambling manifesto, in response to a question he apparently posed to himself, that he certainly does not support President Trump. “As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no,” were Tarrant’s exact words, unequivocally indicating that, contrary to fake news claims, he likely wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat.
  3. Sure, he called him a SJW that loved progressive liberals.
  4. You are being disingenuous. You accredited certain adjectives to him that you don't know to be true. Unless you have an agenda why would you do this?
  5. This what you wrote earlier on this page: "What part am I wrong about? That he says immigration is white genocide? Or that he hero worshipped Nazis?" You characterized him without reading the manifesto? Where did you get your information?
  6. Trump recognized the bargaining power he had vis a vis the USA's economy versus that of China. He appears to be holding firm regarding fair trade but not being a jerk about it. The March 1st deadline for increasing tariffs has passed without Trump imposing them, while they're hopefully wrapping up the main agreement. A feather in Trump's cap for sure.
  7. You're such a Canadian. re·tard [######] VERB ######s (third person present) · ######ed (past tense) · ######ed (past participle) · ######ing (present participle) delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. "our progress was ######ed by unforeseen difficulties" synonyms: delay · slow down · slow up · hold back · set back · keep back · [more] hold up · postpone · put back · detain · decelerate · put a brake on · hinder · hamper · obstruct · inhibit · impede · handicap · hamstring · curb · check · restrain · restrict · arrest · interfere with · interrupt · encumber · clog · throw a spanner in the works of · throw a monkey wrench in the works of · stay · trammel · cumber antonyms: accelerate · expedite NOUN informal offensive ######s (plural noun) a person who is a Canadian
  8. The USA has made great strides in reducing its greenhouse gases over the last several years and leads the industrial world in reducing pollution. China and India have the worst records.
  9. Putin? Ha. His country has an economy the size of Texas and it's a one trick pony at that. All we have to do is flood the market with oil and gas and we'll turn that country into the next Venezuela.
  10. We here at PPP recently had the word re.tarded censored. I suggested the use of the word gatored instead. I don't know what I was thinking. Hell, we had the word "Canadian" just sitting there waiting and worthy of replacing re.tarded in our lexicon.
  11. Even if you are correct about all of that, he more than makes up for it all by not being a Canadian.
  12. I can picture you two joining up with a few others for coffee every morning at Micky D's, sitting around shootingtheshit for two hours.
  13. I'd rather they left a check.
  14. Since they had no shoes they wore them off stubbing them against rocks and such.
  15. Those that come here and start condemning PPP for allowing diverse opinions are really just following their liberal handbook. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if posters like Transplant periodically send PM's to SDS to try to make changes here. It's the liberal way, if they can't win honestly they'll appeal to the courts.
  16. Libs like power, which is the same thing as being able to tell other people what to do. The larger the government the more it can interfere in people's lives.
  17. You are asking that question of very few people here.
  18. He, for some reason was ok with what he did and felt great relief after beheading her. I wonder where the beheading idea came from? He doesn't "get to me". He can be a perfect "foil" for getting across a message.
  19. Tell me, if he was being judged under Sharia Law what would you expect his punishment to be? Remember under Sharia a woman who gets raped may be stoned to death, for getting raped.
  20. From your link: Muzzammil Hassan founded Bridge TV in 2004. The American-Islamic station was designed to combat the negative stereotype of Muslims post-9/11. His wife was its general manager. Muzzammil beheaded his wife.
  21. Your originality has a level even below your country's fighting prowess.
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