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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. That was only my NYC penthouse.
  2. No you're in charge of the wine since you are such a canofsewer.
  3. How do you think I'm going to charge him for me staying there?
  4. Now, now HAHA Gator, there are many similarities between you and the killer. He knows so little about the USA that he couldn't even find us on a map. That makes him an idiot. See the similarities?
  5. This is one big reason why we need to fix our immigration laws, not just "look-away" like the dems want us to do. People like HAHA Gator don't want to fix the problems because then they can't use those problems to fault the right.
  6. Don't need to. https://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale/NY/pmf,pf_pt/145586563_zpid/43_rid/penthouse-apartment_att/globalrelevanceex_sort/46.837649,-68.269043,38.453588,-83.276368_rect/5_zm/
  7. I'd like to do a little grilling and maybe some bocce. Since he's renting he may not have much of yard but instead we could all get ahold of a lowrider and start our own parade ending up at Chef's.
  8. If he didn't pass out simple minded insults how would you ever know you were being insulted?
  9. Since you are going this route, is Memorial Day weekend open?
  10. Inernational? I don't speak Canadian.
  11. You didn't call him that, you claimed he did. This is your post from a few pages back: "Yes I did. Does it matter? Here's a crazy guy. Does it really matter if he says he's an eco-terrorist white nationalist? I also haven't seen Weinstein rape videos. I don't search out child porn when someone is accused of it to confirm the accusations. Some things (1) don't matter (like whatever is in this guy's manifesto), and some things (2) I am happy to defer to others to read. DR and many of you here appear to believe that I would need to read his manifesto, watch the video, and experience child molester's fantasies in order to critique. I disagree."
  12. I used to fish for bass in Lake Elsinore.
  13. Does it not strike you as odd that they are naming projects that are 3 times the amount he is looking for? That'll keep 'em guessing.
  14. You are not only lacking of knowledge, you are a coward for attempting a drive-by post. Nothing I posted is untrue.
  15. Well, you certainly had a description of him earlier by not reading his manifesto.
  16. What is the conservatism that I want? Clearing the brush and fallen trees from the forests? Not going to hell in a handbasket by sending all the freshwater during a draught to the sea in order to save the Delta Smelt instead of to the farmers fields? Giving out 6 figure pensions for rank and file municipal workers? Pensions that have bankrupted some cities and will certainly bankrupt many more. Oh, and something about a stupid train from nowhere to even less.
  17. Like clearing underbrush and fallen trees in the forests?
  18. He had a consensual relationship with BigMcD who is underaged, by a lot.
  19. Sounds like Trump is acting like a true executive.
  20. The complete list includes: Thomas O'Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, James Polk, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant (also the first US president to visit Ireland), Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack O'bama. Some of these guys were Irish slave owners and could have fathered a child. Furthermore, it's en masse, not in mass, Duckdog.
  21. California is a perfect example of how liberals can !@#$ up a good thing.
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