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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I had a rare 2/3# of filet mignon last night along with a chock full of nuts salad and zucchini bread. I bought carbon credits as absolution.
  2. In other words you can't, proving once again what a shitheadyouare.
  3. You just keep getting worse and worse at this. My post was attacking her for her politics. I added in a little shot at 4mer for his post above. Are you going to alienate everyone who disagrees with you? I can see why DR has told you to ***** off. I'm ready to second that motion.
  4. Please explain how he obstructed justice. It would be appropriate if you actually put this crime in context.
  5. I've never wondered that about you.
  6. I'm resisting posting Justin's mother's pic of her beaver back in the 70's. She ran rather free with her clothing.
  7. Sure. You are in the 1% of Americans with the lowest of IQ's. You could improve that standing by simply moving to Canada.
  8. She went to visit with Assad who's Iran's buddy and who was widely condemned by Obama and Hillary. So, today's GI Jane is supporting our enemy but gets rather "prickly" about it when questioned. But, she sounds nice and if she changed her hair color to red she'd be a CILF? https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/tulsi-gabbard-syria-bashar-assad-enemy_us_5c5b01aee4b087104759c3af When Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) was pushed Wednesday about whether she thinks Bashar Assad is an enemy of the United States, she said the Syrian dictator is not. On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” she was asked outright if Assad is a foe of America. “Assad is not the enemy of the United States,” Gabbard replied, “because Syria does not pose a direct threat to the United States.” Correspondent Kasie Hunt pressed the congresswoman, who recently announced she’s running for president in 2020, about her January 2017 meeting with Assad during a trip to Syria shortly after Syrian government forces retook the rebel-held city of Aleppo. Gabbard had told CNN’s Jake Tapper last month that she doesn’t regret the controversial meeting. She reinforced that sentiment with Hunt.
  9. That alone slowed the rise of the oceans. I'm still trying to figure out how $1500 a month premiums and $6000 deductibles are a good thing?
  10. Looks like he must have paid for it. FIFY
  11. Out of curiosity, who did he lead to where? In fact, what did he ever do that one would consider was a success?
  12. Ronald Reagan just doesn't grow on trees.
  13. Where are your links?
  14. Then you aren't a real Canadian. You do have the douche part down though.
  15. Well, you would be the expert then.
  16. We had laws on the books that judges have made impotent, and forced us to have no other choice than to release asylum seekers into our country. Traffickers are encouraging the flooding of the border with massive amounts of aliens to draw attention to them while they move their sex slaves and drugs through unnoticed. The dems do not want to see the immigration problem solved. Illegal aliens or their U.S. born children add to their base. The fight over the wall and immigration can be perverted to "GOP bad". They've had success in the past in placing the blame on the Right and they'll do that as long as they can.
  17. Just remember, if you are planning on a vacation home in the U.S. we have certain laws here that prevent the importation of animals such as your pet moose. Can you last the whole winter without a little moose nooky?
  18. Looks like HAHA Gator is colluding with a Canadian right here in PPP. Not only is he wrong in doing so, he has bad taste. Which one you say? Flip a coin and you won't be wrong either way.
  19. Obviously a wall on our northern border is needed. We can get the Canadians to pay for it by making them cough up all the tips they never gave to Florida servers over the years.
  20. Not as stupid as someone who hijacks his own thread.
  21. Yes, she got them to shake.
  22. Who do you think could be this transformational president today? In fact, what past president could do this today?
  23. Stashing for next time an illegal dies from cirrhosis of the liver in Border Patrol custody. Those mean old border guards must have given it to him. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mexican-immigrant-dies-in-us-custody-the-fourth-such-death-in-recent-months/ar-BBUYAYW?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=HPDHP17
  24. I agree completely, but changing the laws without securing our borders is folly.
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