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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Standard practice in messing up a thread that isn't going his way is to hijack it.
  2. The schools competed with each other by raising tuition? **********************************Warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your account has been hacked by a virus called gatorstut. Unfortunately there is no known fix. Sorry.
  3. It's all becoming clearer now. You're asking a lot from a Canadian.
  4. Wait until the next report comes out and they've redacted someone's SS#. That'll be clear proof of a coverup of Trump dining on endangered species or something.
  5. Tom Brady may be a Conservative but he can still sashay like a limp wristed progressive:
  6. CNN Poll: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Sitcom+Laugh+Track&&view=detail&mid=6A98D93D850206A159D86A98D93D850206A159D8&&FORM=VRDGAR
  7. Humor, nearly always has a semblance of truth. That's what makes it funny. Colbert sees no obligation to adhere to even a facsimile of the truth. So, not only is he inaccurate, but he is not funny.
  8. https://www.city-journal.org/html/belt-tightening-101-13693.html See how Perdue does it.
  9. I think that's what Dev and I were both saying. Colleges are getting away with charging more because students have a way of finding the money through loans. There is no constraint on the schools to keep costs down. I recently read where a school was increasing its "diversity staff" fourfold along with soaring administration costs. Its doing so not because of a need but because it can. You are right regarding the lack of basic economic knowledge but you'll find that most here have it. It's definitely needed by high schoolers and if their parents aren't teaching them high schools should. https://www.city-journal.org/html/belt-tightening-101-13693.html See how Perdue does it.
  10. It would appear that the perp stole the sign before the old man stuck his pole in the spokes.
  11. It would really help if you not only learned to spell, but properly used pronunciation. When you post statements like the above you are just telling the world what a stupid dumb ***** you are.
  12. I agree, but the easy student loan availability allows the colleges to fund their bloat, in spades.
  13. My guess is that vaccines aren't much of a money maker for Big Pharm.
  14. I looked on an old bill and paid $62 for 405 kwh so you're not far off. Looks like the author either miscalculated or is in an area where electricity prices are pretty damn high.
  15. It's simple, easy student loans and no financial savvy to realize that a four year degree and 100k + in debt can be paid off with a social service job paying 20k a year. Also, because they can.
  16. Watching this video and listening to Harf spew her ignorance while enjoying Molly's expression of incredulation over Hart's ignorance.
  17. Then you are relying on other people to keep you safe by getting the vaccinations.
  18. They're lobbying the Olympic Committee to include Moose Tipping as an event in the next Olympics. French Canadians are not allowed to participate since tipping is not allowed in their religion.
  19. This doesn't seem like the place to make your stand against government overreach. Unless you choose to be a hermit your actions do affect other people and for some people measles is a serious disease. As a Conservative I'm not much in favor of government intrusions on our freedoms, but this is a legitimate use of governmental power.
  20. Well, maybe she should be nominated for an Oscar instead. My guess is the author added up all charges divided by kwh which would be the proper way to calculate it.
  21. She's just a little full of herself. She's "The Boss" and anyone that doesn't agree with The Green New Deal will get primaried. She acted like a spoiled brat at the SOTU speech and has pissed off party leadership. Really, a sit-in at Pelosi's office? Steny Hoyer is basically discrediting her. Where did she get the end of the world in 12 years nonsense? She's nothing more than a Valley Girl transferred to the Bronx 30 years later.
  22. Relax people, I just had a session with Oda Mae Brown and she told me there's nothing to get all worried about.
  23. What pisses me off is that the Global Warming, Climate Change idiots take the focus off of actually improving the environment. Initiatives like the Great Lakes Cleanup of the 70's that actually did much good are lost in the great cow farts debates of today.
  24. Do you mean that the wall would no longer be immoral then?
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