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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Obviously he has the skills and is very intelligent per his Wonderlic score. What I sense from him is he is cocky enough to be an NFL QB but humble enough to be coachable.
  2. Double header, eh? Do they allow recovery time?
  3. It amazes me that Biden is so clueless that he thinks these little faux pas won't come back to hit him in the ass.
  4. Comey looks like "Walter" from Jeff Dunham's skits. Just need to give him some of Trudeau's eyebrows
  5. Trump has the left and even some Independents fooled into thinking his MO or inartfulness has anything to do with his smarts. He's today's Columbo.
  6. I'm glad you are just an idiot judge, not a vocabulary judge.
  7. Letch - definition of letch by The Free Dictionary https://www.thefreedictionary.com/letch letch also lech (lĕch) n. 1. A strong, especially sexual desire or craving. 2. A lecher. [Perhaps back-formation from obsolete letcher, variant of lecher.] letch (lɛtʃ) vb, n a variant spelling of lech [C18: perhaps back formation from lecher] letch or lech (lɛtʃ) Slang. n. 1. a lecherous desire or craving. 2. a lecher. v.i. 3. to behave like a ...
  8. From the link: On Dec. 12, 2018, the California State Water Resources Control Board (the Board) approved and adopted amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta Estuary (amended plan) and the related Substitute Environmental Document (SED). According to the complaint, the Amended Plan fails to comply with CEQA and, once implemented, will impair DOI’s ability to operate the New Melones Dam consistent with Congressional directives for the project. “The environmental analysis by the California State Water Resources Control Board hid the true impacts of their plan and could put substantial operational constraints on the Department of the Interior’s ability to effectively operate the New Melones Dam, which plays a critical role in flood control, irrigation, and power generation in the Sacramento region,” said Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Bossert Clark for the Department of Justice’s Environment and Natural Resources Division. “The Department of Justice will continue to advocate on behalf of our federal partners, especially when it comes to the proper application of federal and state environmental laws.”
  9. I took the FU approach to a an employee who my partner and I fired for stealing. She had the balls to sue us for unjustly firing her and found an attorney to take her case for who knows what for payment? 40k or so later we finally "won" when they dropped it.
  10. I closed on a house back in '85 that I bought with the VA bill that had a variable interest rate on it of 10.5%. The premium over the treasury rate was very low and I had that loan for over 20 years and it was never worth refinancing to a fixed rate.
  11. Sounds like you are a landlord. I once sold a residential 6-unit to a guy and I held the paper (I let my hate for the place cloud my judgement). I ended up getting sued for utility bills in excess of 10k. The question was, who actually owned the property? I instructed my attorney to be very aggressive and I came up with a list of many people to be deposed at the interrogatories. Every one of them including the mayor was a legitimate witness that could prove the other party claimed ownership. The utility company realized there was no money in this deal for them and immediately dropped the case. I even got about half my retainer back. Moral of the story------------------------------don't hire Koko who will just billtheshit out of you.
  12. When he lied about Romney and then proudly admitted to the lie and his reasoning was "it worked didn't it" he hit absolute rock bottom as a human being.
  13. Take it easy on Jim. Ever since Foie Gras was made illegal he's been as lost as Chuck Rhoades without a foe or a whip. If the good chef wants to snort coke off a hooker's ass, let him. He'd be smart to stay away from the crack though.
  14. They never should have been so easy on Rick in Casablanca.
  15. You are so against the government telling you what you can or can't do that you are going to let them tell you that you can't go out in public?
  16. Are those attackers that you see lurking just around the corner? Driving by? Sitting in a parked car? Just everywhere?
  17. Schools? Chicken? How do get that out of my post about OxyContin?
  18. Your weed thread is where you generally post and I assume that you don't read much in other threads. You have no right to characterize my posts in threads you don't read, so ***** off and don't try to change the subject of a thread that isn't going your way. Some here smoke a lot of weed while others smoke a little or don't smoke at all. It isn't that big of a deal but you don't need to inject the subject in posts other than Your Miracle Cure For All Ailments thread.
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