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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Ha! Do as I say, not as I do? I understand, you needed your methadone fix. What needs to be answered here is what other administrations did regarding overriding deep state entrenched WH employees denials of security clearances.
  2. The left is posturing for purely political reasons. They know damn well that they can't legally receive the unredacted 400 page Mueller report plus the millions of pages of sources including grand jury testimony. They are asking anyway for the sole purpose of being able to claim that they didn't receive everything that they asked for and claim that the Right is hiding something. I have a sneaky decision that you already knew that though, troll.
  3. Yes, eventually there's no place for them to hide. I responded yesterday to this troll and got a little criticism for insulting him/her because he was a new poster and probably not very knowledgeable about the subject. Ha! Avoiding channeling my inner OC, I had this person pegged as a fake from the start, as someone capable of working at the local laundromat bad.
  4. OK, so as far as The Boss goes, FTF is now an official acronym for PPP? Fu__The Facts, for you people that are still working on figuring out LOL, WTF and DCT.
  5. Make up your addled mind. Was it Obama or LBJ who ended that cold-ass war? Now the question that needs to be asked is why we never refer to Obama as BHO? Is it because no one wants to remind people that his middle name is Hussein, or that just BO might remind people that we elected a real stinker?
  6. WTF, you don't want to prevent a dead person from being elected president?
  7. Isn't there another island out in the Bay that already has a hotel on it?
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/21/world/asia/american-killed-andaman-island-tribe.html NEW DELHI — John Allen Chau seemed to know that what he was about to do was extremely dangerous. Mr. Chau, an American thought to be in his 20s, was floating in a kayak off a remote island in the Andaman Sea. He was about to set foot on one of the most sealed-off parts of India, an island inhabited by a small, enigmatic and highly isolated tribe whose members have killed outsiders for simply stepping on their shore. Fishermen warned him not to go. Few outsiders had ever been there. And Indian government regulations clearly prohibited any interaction with people on the island, called North Sentinel. But Mr. Chau pushed ahead, setting off in his kayak, which he had packed with a Bible. After that, it is a bit of a mystery what happened. But the police say one thing is clear: Mr. Chau did not survive. On Wednesday, the Indian authorities said that Mr. Chau had been shot with bows and arrows by tribesmen when he got on shore and that his body was still on the island. Fishermen who helped take Mr. Chau to North Sentinel told the police that they had seen tribesmen dragging his body on the beach.
  9. There was a recent killing there of a self proclaimed missionary who decided to take his chances by going ashore. I'll try to pull it up.
  10. AOC stated shortly after her "Inauguration" that any lawmaker not going along with the GND would be subject to being primaried. I think Melania needs to explain to AOC what bullying is. Regardless, the DNC might be actually taking a shot across the bow of the 3 Jihadateers.
  11. Please keep your fake hoaxes straight. Is "straight" ok to say when I'm referring to someone named "Jussie"?
  12. Beto has already come out and said he'd like to tear down the 700 miles of fencing that we already have at the border. Just one more reason for him to be labeled as "far left".
  13. My gut feeling is that Beto has a lot more in his closet, crying to get out. Not so much illegal stuff but stuff that will show him as a really quirky kind of guy. Eating dirt kind of quirky.
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