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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Thousands of illegals breach our southern border every day. Estimates are 100,000 every month. Some are seeking a better life while some are trafficking in drugs and children to be used as sex slaves. Regardless, because of our laws and court decisions we are powerless to stop this invasion. The Left and the media is calling this a "manufactured crisis". Do you know what they are calling a real crisis? Click on the link below: https://truepundit.com/media-warns-of-avocado-shortage-from-trump-southern-border-closure/ Fox News published a story warning of an avocado shortage within three weeks of border closure. The Hill stressed the resulting increase in avocado prices. Newsweek also posted “Donald Trump’s Policies Could Cause U.S. To Run Out Of Avocados Within Weeks,” characterizing Trump’s tweet as being part of the president’s “attacks on immigration, Mexico and Central America.”
  2. A couple weeks or so ago BigMcDouche said he had a secret and if anyone guessed it he would quit posting here. I guessed his secret (which was that he was not really a Canadian) but he has failed to live up to his promise to quit posting here. So who is he? Is he a Canadian ashamed of his heritage and the Prime Minister who wears fake eyebrows and played the Triangle in the opening act for The Village People? He could be. Then again he could be from another country altogether and aspires to be a Canadian. I don't know what is worse, but whatever his motivation, it's pretty obvious he has no backbone and is a liar. Well, you might consider that qualifies him for the BigMcDouche moniker but if so, what is he/she/it for making what appeared to be an ironclad promise to quit posting here if someone guessed his little secret, and then immediately reneging? Can anyone come up with a name for him/she/it better than McDouchieLiar?
  3. Considering the way you act here I find it difficult to believe you actually have any friends.
  4. Decisive leadership: https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/01/joe-biden-advised-against-the-osama-bin-laden-raid/ Vice President Joe Biden confessed this weekend that he advised President Obama not to launch the mission that ultimately killed Osama bin Laden last spring. During remarks at a Democratic congressional retreat this weekend, Biden explained that when it came time to make the final decision, he had some lingering uncertainties about whether the 9/11 mastermind was in the suspected compound in Pakistan. When the president asked his top advisers for their final opinion on the mission, all of them were hesitant, except for the former CIA director, now Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Biden said. "Every single person in that room hedged their bet except Leon Panetta. Leon said go. Everyone else said, 49, 51," Biden said, as he offered the unsolicited details of the decision-making process. "He got to me. He said, 'Joe, what do you think?' And I said, 'You know, I didn't know we had so many economists around the table.' I said, 'We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is, don't go. We have to do two more things to see if he's there,'" Biden recalled.
  5. Now that's just being mean to the Democrats. Can you imagine how conflicted that would make them? What do you think they would prefer, an extra vote or a dead kid?
  6. Tricia Newbold, the whistleblower in the WH regarding security clearances is a 2nd cousin to Vladimer Putin who has been caught numerous times writing on the bathroom wall, making little tidbits and giving out Trump's cell phone # has been found out to also be John Brennan's out of wedlock daughter whose favorite food is borsch. I just know this to be true.
  7. So, you saw some unsubstantiated claims against unknown persons and you assume the worst?
  8. Well, we know a few of the people initially denied security clearances. They are the Kushners, Mike Flynn, John Bolton and Rob Porter. Do you know who the others are? It sounds like you do. Can you enlighten us, or do you not know who they are?
  9. She's talking about selling a piece for $7? Not interested.
  10. So HAHA Gator starts a thread today about WH security clearances that were initially turned down by a bureaucrat and overruled by the administration. The little pissant thinks that it's the end of the world that some classified material may make it to our adversaries. Fine, that's a position that can be debated and defended. Now, in this thread he's demanding that a 400 page report is handed over to Congress that has classified information in it. All on the same day. What a dipshit.
  11. Oversight Committee held the hearing on security clearances at 8:30am on Saturday without informing Republicans on the committee until late Friday but didn't tell them what it was about. John Bolton, Jerod & Ivanka Kushner and Michael Flynn were included on the list of people turned down.
  12. The Left want it now, unredacted. They also want all of the sources. They are afraid that their little apple will lose its shine if they have to wait two weeks. They've lost the narrative and want to get it back by mischaracterizing whatever information is provided them.
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