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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You're in a political forum that demands a standard much higher than you are willing or able to adhere to. Your contributions are on par with stuffing dirty rags into a Goodwill collection box.
  2. Ha! If Hillary tries skipping a few steps or even climbing a few at her inauguration then I think we'll be looking for a new president. Wouldn't it be Michael Avenatti's turn?
  3. He's a quitter though. He's leaving California for a chillier climate. I asked him where he was moving and he told me "I da ho". I asked him where, not what he did for a living and all he could do is say "I da ho", as if he was confessing!
  4. I doubt that you ever came in the front door. I'll bet he'll be sorry for this little tune:
  5. Why are you still posting here? You stated unequivocally that if anyone could guess your "secret" that you would go away and never post again. I guessed your secret. Why are you still posting here?
  6. Not "please don't throw me in the briar patch" obsessed, but duly concerned for your retirement future. Did you know that Palm Springs City Council wants to change the Palm Springs International Airport code from PSP to LGBTQ? Other suggestions were CFP and the one that seemed to arouse the most interest was ADPA. Regardless: "We work all our lives so we can retire - so we can do what we want with our time - and the way we define or spend our time defines who we are and what we value." Isn't this better than sitting around sipping umbrella drinks and shopping with the boys?
  7. Naw, it'll be the Rainbow Coalition led by the Village People.
  8. Of course it does. Past decisions are a precursor to future ones. He's doing none of that-----------he's Canadian and they rely on us to defend them.
  9. Just think, when you retire to Palm Springs and your wife has all day to watch those DVD's. You'll try to escape the house but will find that Palm Springs is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but the rainbow itself. You'd better learn to sashay.
  10. You have no idea how food plants operate, do you? It behooves the plant operator to insure food safety. Plants have their own QA inspectors and there are state inspectors in addition to the USDA inspectors. Regardless, this is an old story that was brought up here a couple years ago. You were involved in the discussion.
  11. No, no they can't. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-04/justice-department-defends-process-for-handling-mueller-report "Two people familiar with the matter said the summaries in Mueller’s report had markings indicating that some parts had to be reviewed and withheld, potentially including information related to grand jury proceedings." I ran across someone else that knows you:
  12. That's crossing the line, asswipe. You're not posting but acting as a flame thrower.
  13. HAHA Gator pretty much just admitted that he can't have a drink or two without getting drunk. Now, is it the one or two drinks that gets him drunk, or is it that he loses all control and inhibition and just can't stop?
  14. I've heard him say he doesn't giveashit. Does that count?
  15. So Fox has a townhall meeting tonight (6:30pm) with Howard Schultz, a democrat considering running as an independent in 2020. Obviously the DNC doesn't like this idea. Is this payback to the DNC by Fox because the DNC has frozen Fox out of the DNC presidential debates? Thoughts?
  16. I don't know what happened. I certainly didn't post a dark cloud picture. It must be just following you around.
  17. Are you personally a lair? I mean like do you stick gerbils up your gator?
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