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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said: Her job to follow the law, not go beyond it. Well, which is it, punk?
  2. If it was up to the dems they would rename the head of Border Patrol the "Border Patrol Concierge".
  3. So, you aren't attracted to beautiful women? I wonder what conclusions I can garner from that?
  4. Because of our laws the asylum seekers and cartels are taking advantage of those laws and disallowing us to control our borders. They are flooding our borders in order to create a conundrum for us. What does me being pro-life or pro choice have to do with this discussion?
  5. "Chess" groupies have all the moves. Did you ever jump a Queen? That just shows how disingenuous you are. You claim God in order to make your case but dismiss Him when it suits you.
  6. HAHA Gator, you ignorant slut. We are caught between the rock you crawled out from under and a hard place. Our laws say that we have to consider asylum for anyone that touches our land and claims it. We cannot house all of the people who do this and since our laws also limit the time these people can be kept in captivity, we have to release them into our country. Few report for their asylum hearings and then become illegal aliens.
  7. HAHA Gator, explain to me if God was ok with homosexuals and created people as such then why did he kick ass in Sodom & Gomorrah?
  8. Until we get rid of the present asylum laws nobody is going to do much to solve the southern invasion of our country.
  9. Yes, once again, it shows Trump's superiority over Biden. If a person is going to get "touchy" with another person shouldn't they go for the gusto?
  10. Jim Kelly was originally recruited by Joe PA to be a linebacker at Penn State.
  11. You didn't answer the questions. Is this government mandated for government employees? Is this training required in private businesses?
  12. Do you not find it amusing that people would get all amped up by a poster named Zero Voltz misspelling his own screen name?
  13. I can play dumb if I want to. You don't have the option to not play dumb. Now, just go away, or in other words, ***** off.
  14. Why are you even pointing thisshitout to me? The coverup to RBG's death as I remember, was just a little joking around and I don't know if I even joined the fun. You've reverted to your MO of throwingshit against the wall and when it doesn't work you just find moreshit to throw. *****off.
  15. Who in CA is mandated to take harassment training? Who is doing the mandating?
  16. I wonder if when the world ends, if everything will just turn black.
  17. I didn't post a damn thing about that airliner and I don't remember a discussion here about it either. Shouldn't you be training for your Dregs Bowl with HAHA Gator rather than makingupshit here?
  18. Telling their Pit Bull to sic 'em was unusually cruel.
  19. I'll gladly meet you in Tijuana instead. How about Pedro's Palace at 1:00pm on Friday. Make sure to bring a couple of concealed automatic weapons for your protection.
  20. I don't believe this story for a minute. We're talking Jersey for ***** sake.
  21. You don't think some of those pallets of cash ended up in an Obama bank account?
  22. Bowel Movement has thrown his pink vag hat in the ring and is going to give HAHA Gator a run for his money.
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