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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. It came from a blog yet. I was reluctant to post so much but it all seemed very important.
  2. From your link: Democrats and their media allies have resurrected the year-old fake talking point that President Donald Trump called asylum seekers “animals” when he was actually referring to members of the violent illegal alien MS-13 gang. Now Democratic Presidential candidates like Pete Buttigieg, Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker are busy keeping the story alive by dinging President Trump over the word “animals.” They just can’t help themselves. It just so happens that a major MSM story just dropped about MS-13’s increasing hold over a middle school: The boys had once been friends before MS-13 began recruiting one of them. Now, as other students streamed to class one April morning at William Wirt Middle School in Riverdale, Maryland, the two teens squared off in the third-story bathroom – a fight captured by another student on his cellphone. The MS-13 recruit threw a punch at his former friend’s head. His opponent ducked and tackled the 15-year-old, their sneakers squealing as they tumbled to the green tile floor. “I like that,” someone shouted off-camera as the recruit tried to cover his head. “That look like it hurt,” someone wrote under the video, which was uploaded to Instagram on April 19 and has been viewed more than 400 times. Gang-related fights are now a near-daily occurrence at Wirt, where a small group of suspected MS-13 members at the overwhelmingly Hispanic school throw gang signs, sell drugs, draw gang graffiti and aggressively recruit students recently arrived from Central America, according to more than two dozen teachers, parents and students. Most of those interviewed asked not to be identified for fear of losing their jobs or being targeted by MS-13. Although administrators deny Wirt has a gang problem, the situation inside the aging, overcrowded building has left some teachers so afraid that they refuse to be alone with their students. Many said they had repeatedly reported incidents involving suspected gang members to administrators, only to be ignored – claims supported by documents obtained by The Washington Post. “Teachers feel threatened but aren’t backed up. Students feel threatened but aren’t protected,” one educator said. “The school is a ticking time bomb.” The gang’s presence at Wirt comes at a time when the Trump administration has declared war on MS-13, and communities throughout the country are confronting a surge in MS-13-related violence. Nearly a dozen parents told The Post they were worried about gang activity at the school, which is located 10 miles from the White House. Many said they were intent on transferring their kids. Several said they were scared their children would be killed. One eighth-grader said she had been raped in the fall by a schoolmate in MS-13 – an attack that took place off school property and that she reported to police, but then recanted out of fear of the gang. Prince George’s investigators concluded the report was unfounded, but the girl said she now lives in fear the gang will stab her as she leaves school. “MS dominates the school,” she said. “But I don’t even tell the security guards what goes on anymore because they don’t seem to care.” Read the whole thing. When Democrats started defending the “human dignity” of MS-13 last year, Marc Thiessen noted it was a really stupid idea: Through their dishonesty, Democrats such as Pelosi have handed the president a winning issue. A Harvard/Harris poll finds that 56 percent of Americans agree with Trump that it is fair to call MS-13 “animals” (including 47 percent of Hispanics, and 41 percent of Democrats). Millions of Americans can’t understand why Democrats seem more hostile toward Trump than a vicious gang that carries out savage killings…When the president has you defending the “dignity and worth” of MS-13 members, you’re doing something wrong. A huge reason for the conservative revival after Barry Goldwater’s 1964 electoral wipeout was the increasing, visible disorder in American high schools. (In one infamous instant, students set a new York high school teacher on fire.) Now, thanks to Democrats needing a steady influx of illegal aliens to help their electoral chances, a new wave of violence and disorder is striking not just high schools, but middle schools. How long do you think middle Americans will stand by the Democratic Party when their pre-teen children are being stabbed, raped and murdered by illegal alien gangs? Tags: Border Controls, Crime, Democrats, Illegal Aliens, Kirsten Gillibrand, Maryland, MS-13, Pete Buttigieg Posted in Border Control, Crime, Democrats | No Comments »
  3. Yes, smoking sucks. As far as everything else goes, I could post that water is wet and you'd argue against it. The one thing we've determined here is that you have no sense of humor.
  4. Listen, we have laws against cruel and unusual punishment.
  5. Nice guy. Now what if I told you the prognosis today was 12-18 months yet to go? My only solace would be that you made that deal with the Mafia. See you soon.
  6. I don't know and I don't want to find out.
  7. I'm just saying that you can't have it both ways. Maybe I should clarify that--you can't claim just what you want to believe in the bible. I doubt God created that Butt guy as gay but also destroyed 2 cities because he hated gays.
  8. Maybe she wears a clown wig and it fits better over a shaved head?
  9. What really struck me also was the amount of true stars on the dais. They were generally my parents entertainers but I do remember them well. They were all very talented and yes, they didn't have to force the humor by saying f**k every other word.
  10. You're forgetting to ask for the big payoff years--those years immediately after they leave office.
  11. I am of the opinion that if Buttigieg is going to claim "God made him this way" then he needs to reconcile that with God's opinion of Sodom & Gomorrah.
  12. Eric, maybe I didn't do a good enough job presenting this thread as something different than just a political attack. Or maybe you're just a stupid *****, unable to stay away from your partisan hatchet jobs.
  13. Thanks for trying to hijack this thread and make it into something that it isn't. If I wanted to embarrass you I'd ask you if this was the White House Correspondents Dinner in which Obama told Trump he'd never be President. I'd rather not hijack my own thread though. Kindly keep to the spirit and subject of the OP.
  14. I just ran across some of the old "Roasts" that included the old icons of show business. Besides getting a good sense of the camaraderie between them it was apparent that they genuinely liked each other and could bust each other's balls without the recriminations that would happen today. The physical touching and good natured ethnic ribbing was not something that you'd even imagine in 2019. Watch a couple of these episodes at the link and ask yourself if we are better off now.
  15. Completely contrived, but possibly a good mate for HAHA Gator.
  16. Do you have the wear with all to deal with it? Too bad, Duckdog is oblivious to his continued contributions here.
  17. I can tell you all about it and also give you an excellent description of the tatas.
  18. Uh, if she's all that bad why have you been watching her for a good 3 years?
  19. I try to get right to the point and not unnecessarily extend the narrative. You might say that I am niggardly with my words.
  20. HAHA Gator has lost his mind, not that anyone would notice.
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