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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You want to discuss the candidates? Nobody is keeping you from doing so. Feel free to extoll the virtues of Liawatha and/or that guy who ate dirt. We only wish you had chosen wisely as it pertains to transplants.
  2. That legally clears the way to name someone else as acting director. She'll land on her feet.
  3. You're talking about people who steal WH silverware and remove "w" keys from WH computers.
  4. Candace seems to have appeared on the scene in the last year or two. Kanye West was praising her back when he was having that love affair with Trump. She really triggers the left being that she's a conservative who is intelligent, attractive and black.
  5. Why wouldn't I? This isn't partisan with me like it is with you. This has been a 2 1/2 year search for truth initiated by DR and initially disbelieved by a lot of us here. Between DR's information and some independent research, I finally came around to the conclusion that there was some illegal deep state shenanigans and a coup attempt. Next time you come down here you should do it with something more than foolish MSM and Leftist talking points to make your case. You've come down here several times and started a shitstorm based on ignorance. Is your memory so bad that you don't recognize that you'll be made a fool of if you come down here again unarmed?
  6. You are so wrong in so many ways that I must conclude that you're not keeping up on the news. Barr stated today that the report would be out within a week. He also reviewed the different reasons that he legally (and I might say morally) has to redact certain things in the report. The decision on redacting has been already made for Barr. He's following the law and just because that doesn't meet up with your feelings is just too ***** bad.
  7. You are wrong. Each summary provided by the Mueller team had notations on it that clearly claimed that it might have information that would need to be redacted. When you stay on top of things you know the specifics and don't have to rely on lies perpetrated by bad actors in the media or politics.
  8. Did you find all your points at a leftist talking points blog? BTW, Puerto Ricans are not "foreigners".
  9. Simple. It's OC's way of finding attractive women. The old "she's a 2 at 10 and a 10 at 2" adage. If you want to find a beautiful woman, just wait.
  10. Why cover it up? One would think that Trump would want people to know that he's so good that he's eliminated pre-existing conditions. Does he do this like in a revival meeting?
  11. All (well, not really all) that really matters is how it makes them feel. That's why liberalism is such a failure. It is based on wishing rather than pragmatism.
  12. Well, I appreciate you at least hesitating before calling me a dumbass. I say that knowing that even a blind squirrel is right twice a day.
  13. Adam Schiff is a liar and nothing he says can be trusted. Furthermore, you should pay attention to what you read. Even if collusion was illegal, you can't put collusion in prison. The poster that I quoted made a very inartful statement and you agreed with him, HAHA Gator.
  14. What with the way you have stated this one would think you are proposing that we send that collusion to prison.
  15. Gotcha. I should have known better than to think you might compliment someone.
  16. It comes from deep partisanship. People like HAHA Gator started out with the conviction that since Trump was not a democrat that he was evil and needed to be stopped in any way possible. Instead of an investigation to see if there was any wrongdoing they started out convinced that Trump was evil, and they needed to find a reason for their beliefs. All they've been doing is throwingshit against the wall to see what sticks. The dumb*****s keep throwing it at a Teflon wall though.
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