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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. The erosion of land lines and proliferation of cell phones has made the polls less accurate. Also, conservatives are less likely to give out information or tell pollsters what they think.
  2. You rarely fail to ***** up but you always do when proclaiming your intelligence.
  3. Tell her you're a male prostitute and she would have to pay up.
  4. Beto has no substance...…………………………………...whatsoever.
  5. Why, in Hell's name would the Attorney General of the United States have any reason to want to please you?
  6. The other 4 restaurants would gladly pick up the slack, even if they knew they would have to add on staff on Sunday.
  7. "Peter, do you think I should tell him about you and me and my strap-on?" "And make him jealous, Lisa?"
  8. I don't disagree with you on much of that but would suggest a much narrower brush.
  9. I think he's done a pretty good job of defining himself. He's for the New Green Deal, tearing down the walls we have on the southern border and just recently came out for reparations. That's pretty well defined in my mind.
  10. I commend you for confessing that in public. For only $19.95 we can provide you with the winningest shorts. Shorts that Olympic Gold Medalists and champion boxers wear. Shorts that are mandatory on a team whose logo has a guy in a tri-cornered hat. Shipping and handling are free, but stop right there, we can provide you with a second pair for only an additional fee. Be a winner!
  11. No, and it was improper to say so. Regardless, Omar is someone who does not appear to be assimilated here and her loyalties lie elsewhere. On top of that, she's an anti-Semitic ****head.
  12. Do you have any clue why Grady resigned? As deputy secretary she would have been scheduled to replace her boss. Trump would not have been able to put his choice in place. Did we hang up a sign, "Idiots Wanted"?
  13. So, the money actually belongs to the government?
  14. Just exactly how are you going to raise 9.3 trillion dollars per year? Oh, reparations too?
  15. There's time, if he practices diligently to memorize this one question that will stump Bernie every time: "Hey Bernie Bro, how are you gonna pay for that"?
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