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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Just think, your dad gave Jimmy Carter his whole energy platform.
  2. C'mon man, we all know that voter fraud is so rare that it can't make a difference!. Even Trump's Illegal Voter Commission was disbanded because there was no proof in any way of fraudulent voting not that numerous liberal states refused to cooperate.
  3. Hmmn, I don't need a new car but if I sold the one I have first I would then need a new vehicle. It's probably worth the trip to CA to do a little shopping.
  4. It's amazing to me that there is even a question as to which side can be reasoned with. Leftists have always been the least tolerant people on earth. Their MO is to loot, riot and burn while shutting down freedom of speech from the Right. Their marches, even when they are peaceful end up leaving trash all over, which is ironic considering they tout environmental concerns and purity at the same time they are shittingoncars and living in squalor. With the Left, it's always do as I say, not as I do. The Right is traditionally willing to listen to the other side and customarily cautions against jumping to conclusions. Think of the half-cocked reactions the Left had in the Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Jesse Smollet cases along with the more recent rioting over black miscreants in Minneapolis and Kenosha. Conservatives say "let's wait and see" while the Leftists say "let's burn, loot and riot". Leftists leave a trail of filth and garbage while people on the Right pick up after themselves and go to bed early so they are fresh for the next days work schedule.
  5. Really? Do you know what his brother's name is?
  6. The amount of police shootings in all of the USA of unarmed people break down like this in I believe 2019 but the figures are quite similar in the past few years: Black men----9 White men----19 Consider that "unarmed" means the perp didn't have a weapon but may have been attacking the police with physicality. Also mistakes can be made ie. in the dark a cell phone or other object may appear as if it is a gun. With the sheer amount of encounters that there are between police and the public these figures do not seem out of hand. Our wonderful media makes a big deal out of all of the black deaths at the hands of police but remain virtually silent about the white deaths. They purposely blow things out of proportion and stoke the fires of discontent among the black community and their white liberal lackeys.
  7. Instead of the verbal briefings that get lied about and misconstrued prior to them getting leaked to the press, the DNI has decided to put them in writing. The letter above is nothing short of horseshit.
  8. I could have stayed in a Motel 6 and still would be smarter than you.
  9. The cause of death for Floyd may be determined as an overdose of fentanyl. He had a more than lethal amount in his system and was complaining about not being able to breath prior to the cop putting his knee on his neck. This does not let the cop off the hook though. He certainly showed depraved indifference. Earlier in this thread, I believe.
  10. That's why you follow me around like a stalker, constantly commenting on my responses to other posters.
  11. You obviously are quite slow. I've already pointed out to you that an accent is not the same as poor grammar or mistakes in spelling. Are you incapable of learning anything? If you are truly an attorney your Bar exam must have been set very low.
  12. While you may be correct in regards to who constitutes the majority of the left you are very incorrect regarding who calls the shots for the left. George Soros funded groups are paying professional rioters to inflame passions in different communities. Kenosha police arrested people from Seattle as they were filling up gas cans (with gas) to fan the flames of destruction the other night. So called democrat leaders are too afraid to even denounce the anarchists. With that in mind, who do you think leads the left?
  13. Keep up the good work and let's try to spread the practice of giving China the old heave ho.
  14. Take heart people. The interlopers that arrived here when it looked like Biden had a chance and then multiplied when it looked like the virus was going to bring Trump down are fast approaching their own death throes. As usual, they'll not have the courage to stay here and post their George Soros nonsense.
  15. Did you have to postyourshit in this thread? Back when you first showed up here you claimed that it was to keep your "debating skills sharp". I think you just like to disrupt things.
  16. Shame on you for failing to rip him enough new asswholes to expunge allthatshit he has bottled up inside himself.
  17. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if he gets his clients off of police radio broadcasts. You know, "accident at Transit & George Urban".
  18. It was simply a Japanese wake-up call in more ways than one.
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