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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. There's much to be said about a person according to the way they treat other people. Your mini-rant is entirely believable. The arrogance that she displays in public no doubt is brought about by her abject ignorance. It's her cover to hide her inadequacies that in spite of, she has risen to a prominent and important position in Congress. How she gained (and remains in) such a position of power is beyond belief. This could not be done with a media that reported even a modicum of the truth.
  2. No more than Cohen or the others that got caught up in non connected issues.
  3. I have a proposed solution to carbon reduction that has shown an impressive track record over the last decade plus: https://eidclimate.org/eia-u-s-carbon-emissions-fall-2017-mainly-natural-gas/ As the above chart shows, the U.S. has reduced energy-related carbon emissions 14 percent since 2005, and the EIA has once again affirmed that these reductions are “mainly” attributable to increased natural gas use for electricity generation. From the EIA report: “The underlying energy consumption trends that resulted in these changes—mainly because more electricity has been generated from natural gas than from other fossil fuels—have helped to lower the U.S. emissions level since 2005 because natural gas is a less carbon-intensive fuel than either coal or petroleum.”
  4. There goes that retirement nest egg.
  5. I've mentioned this on here before but I spent 8 months traveling the country back when I had a daughter not yet in school. My wife and I sold our home, put furniture in storage and bought a motorhome. We saw a lot of the country while we kept an eye out as to where we might want to live. At that time I had to also consider where I could earn a living. If you and your wife did something along this line you could do it without the burden of thinking about making a living. Just a suggestion.
  6. There's been estimates all over the news saying that the GND plus Medicare for all would cost approximately 93 trillion over the next 10 years. This does not include present spending. The feds projected income for 2020 is 3.6 trillion of which 1.8 trillion is individual income tax. My estimate of tripling the taxes for your NGD was quite conservative but read for yourself. https://www.thebalance.com/current-u-s-federal-government-tax-revenue-3305762
  7. We have beef on weck and as far as football goes, just wait until next year!
  8. Apologizing on PPP---------------------------now I've seen it all.
  9. Nah, I'm just busting your balls. LA is counting down the days to 5-20-19 as that is his departure date to potatoland. More power to you in retirement and if you can do that and stay in CA good for you.
  10. Oh, another California quitter, eh?
  11. The Green New Deal would cause somewhere around a 300% increase in taxes. Do you think the poor, middle class or rich can bear that burden?
  12. From your emojis it would appear that things worked out in the end.
  13. https://libertyunyielding.com/2019/04/11/how-brilliant-was-it-to-make-maxine-waters-chair-of-the-house-financial-services-committee/ What on earth were Democrats thinking when they nominated Maxine Waters to chair the House Financial Services Committee after gaining control of the House last November? Did they think that Waters, who in 2009 had exploited her position to bail out a black-owned bank that her husband held stock in, was the right person to investigate financial abuses? Did they think that a loose cannon who in 2018 incited mob violence against members of the Trump administration had the right temperament to preside over a committee? Did they think that a woman who in 2013 claimed that sequestration could cost the nation 170 million jobs was suddenly going to sprout a brain? Whatever Democrats were thinking, on Wednesday they got a double dose of “Auntie” Maxine, beginning with a morning hearing where she attempted to blame bank executives for the student debt crisis. One by one, she grilled the CEOs, trying to determine, in the memorable words of a previous president, “whose ass to kick.” She began with Bank of America’s Brian Moynihan, whose name she mispronounced as “Monahan.” He explained that his bank had “stopped making student loans in 2007 or so.” Ditto down the line until Jamie Dimon, of JPMorgan Chase, shared with her the embarrassing reality that student loans had been nationalized nearly a decade earlier under former President Barack Obama.
  14. Where have you been in the last year or so? HAHA Gator has thoroughly explained that the government, that owns the money, can just print all it wants and pay people's tuition with that. The only costs will be the printing cost but we can pay for that by printing even more money, but in larger denominations. CFP, eh? Sure.
  15. No, no, no. I'm protecting the integrity of this board. This is an important subject to discuss. What's to keep you from changing the thread title or even deleting the entire thread when things don't go your way? You reap what you sow.
  16. Since there is another thread discussing Assange, lets make this the thread for exchanging our "go to" recipes. Feel free to post them here.
  17. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/most-polluted-countries-in-the-world/ss-BBTyP8Y?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=HPDHP17#image=51 For what it's worth, this article claims that dust storms and the burning of wood for fueling cookstoves, etc. is a major carbon polluter in many of these countries.
  18. Out of curiosity, can you BM, describe the conditions at our southern border? Is the invasion of illegal aliens at a rate expected to top 1,000,000,000 annually not a crisis?
  19. Mad Max and HAHA Gator have to be one and the same.
  20. There are several PPPisms that go back a few years here. Many of them come from a former poster at TBD who mangled the English language but did it without knowing any better. "Self of steam" was his way of saying self esteem. There are others, but what fun would it be to let you know what they are?
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