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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You are leaving out a large part of the progressive left's agenda. They don't tout it, but it is ingrained in their DNA. It is complete intolerance for people and ideas that don't fit their narrative. They have no boundaries regarding how to demand getting their way. They are the proverbial wolves dressed up as sheep. Nazis claiming to be anti-Nazis.
  2. I know that's in jest but there's some truth to it. We had a second baseman on my softball team that made too many errors on routine ground balls. One game we were forced to play him at third base. He was outstanding and found a permanent home there. The only reason we could come up with was that at third base it was all about reflexes while at second base there was sometimes too much time to think.
  3. Now this is the crux of the argument but is open for debate.
  4. How many different threads are you going to post this in? Just so you know, we frown upon asswholes being asswholes here.
  5. Somewhere around here is a clip of Omar being interviewed about 5 years ago where it was obvious when Al Qaeda's name was brought up she puffed up with pride. I'll try to find it but it's pretty obvious and disgusting. Edit: It's on this page.
  6. What's the difference? His head is up his ass anyway.
  7. First job with a 6 year old kid? Hmmmn. Makes for a lot of questions.
  8. The civil suit is all to get back at Kim Foxx and get the prior proceedings unsealed. I expect it will then show her in a less than favorable light. Paybacks for her decisions that pissed off the police.
  9. How many times do you've to be told that you don't get back tax returns from the government? Not only are you dumb, but every time you refuse to learn from your mistakes you double down on the dumb.
  10. Caution: Anyone posting in this thread takes the chance that the OP will at some later date either change the title or delete the thread. He's done this in the past because he didn't like the way the facts were coming out. There is a perfectly suitable alternate thread created by TYTT who will not pull a chickenshit stunt like HAHA Gator might. For the sake of the integrity of this forum I suggest all Julian Assange related posts be made there.
  11. No, this account is not a parody account. He mirrors the dumbest people on the left and he serves a purpose here. He posts as if his name was Maxine Watters or Hank Johnson and provides us an opportunity to remind people that Guam is not going to tip over.
  12. I am quoting this purely for history's sake. The government does not give out tax returns. Your mind is addled.
  13. You're an idiot. What matters is the overall tax bill for each taxpayer. Car dealerships like the big refunds because of the fact that they were often used as down payments or lease upfront payments. They were similar to interest free savings accounts. Basil is not referring to tax returns but tax refunds---money paid back that was originally overpaid to the government. You must have taken the Maxine Watters economics class.
  14. No, attempted coups do not get a pass or there'll be more of them in the future. The perpetrators here have to get their just deserts.
  15. It's possible a Bull Moose flipped him. Literally and figuratively
  16. I'd have to agree with you. He's so ***** dumb he actually claimed to be a Canadian.
  17. Hey, don't blame spell check for your fantasies gone wild!
  18. Adam Schiff has the goods. He has seen the evidence of Trump/Russian collusion and Trump should/will be impeached.
  19. From your link, or did you not read the article? The bill has not yet passed out of committee or gone to the House floor for debate. The measure was first introduced back in 2017, but did not receive a hearing. Republicans currently hold a majority in both chambers of the Texas Legislature. Read More The committee's chairman, Republican Rep. Jeff Leach, said last week that he would not allow a bill out of committee that "targets the woman with either civil or criminal liability," according to the Dallas Morning News. Yet, he said he would grant a hearing for any bill requested by a member. CNN has reached out to Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's office for comment as to whether he would sign the bill should it pass the legislature.
  20. Nuance, learn it. Sure, and Trump begged Russia to hack Hillary and release her 30,000 destroyed emails. There are some people who actually never learn. They're corrected over and over but still cling to their original bs because they want it to be true more than accepting reality.
  21. Yes, quite a tribute to the muted media. How someone like a Hank Johnson wasn't run out of office for his comment regarding Guam tipping over is beyond comprehension.
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