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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. A woman driver? Someone who knew you? Your mother?
  2. Wall off California from the rest of us and put EZ Pass lanes for the border between CA and Mexico. "Deport" all illegal aliens from other states to CA.
  3. Look who runs our cities. These people don't have a clue as far as the unintended consequences of their policies go. Anywhere that garbage piles up is going to be susceptible to causing a typhus epidemic. In their minds its ok when it's limited to the homeless but when it spreads to places like City Hall they have to take notice. Take a guess whether they limit their fix to fumigating or try to solve the deeper problem of accumulated garbage?
  4. We are a republic not a pure democracy. The Electoral College reflects that fact. Any of you who feel that we should have a popular vote nationwide to decide the presidency are free to get the process started to amend our constitution to get that done. Otherwise, quit whining.
  5. Once again you fail to listen or read. Liawatha has come out and directly called for Trump's impeachment. She didn't equivocate by saying things should be looked into but stated that the House should impeach him. Why does nearly all of your posts have to be full of lies?
  6. Maybe she should look for a different line of work? How difficult could it be for someone who passed 8th grade math to figure out how much to have deducted from her paycheck to come out even with the government. She then doubles down and blames it on Trump? Maybe you should think of getting a different sister.
  7. Anyone blaming anyone but themselves for not getting as much of a refund or having to send the government a check come tax time is a fool. C'monIwannalayu is obviously not a math teacher.
  8. Are you voting for him because: The way he humiliated Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearing? The crime legislation that he voted for in 1994? He voted against gay marriage? He voted for the Iraqi war? He advised Obama not to go after Osama? His "Villages" song is so uplifting?
  9. Meanwhile Liawatha's half 1/2024 brother says "sister speaks with forked tongue".
  10. I heard a correlation to the extent of Trump's obstruction was the equivalent of the first base coach getting between the manager and the umpire to diffuse a situation. No big deal, eh?
  11. Of course there were different standards nearly a century ago. My grandmother often called black people "colored" or "*****". In her day those were common terms for a white person to use. I don't get offended by being called a "whitey" and anyone who goes back in history to pull out expressions of the day, to limp dick a policy of shaming an icon can ***** off in my opinion. Just another reason to hate the Flyers and Yankees.
  12. This is why I wouldn't want you teaching my child. Half truths.
  13. Why? The Canadians go back after getting the medical treatment they so desperately need here.
  14. I know the old adage about "a woman scorned" but George Conway certainly is taking on the persona of an attorney scorned. His jealousy of Trump is a sad head shaker.
  15. Russia wanted to sow chaos in our politics any way that they could. When Trump was behind and everyone thought Clinton would win, Russia favored Trump. After he won they disparaged Trump. Their whole idea was not to favor a certain candidate but to pour sugar into our political gas tank. You people who think that Russia actually favors certain candidates have your heads up your asses. Russia favors us fighting among ourselves and becoming impotent in doing so. Russia fears the USA like no other. It's not because of our military though. They know if they don't go too far in any endeavor we won't use our might against them. Their economy is almost totally dependent upon energy. They fear us flooding the market and putting their people back in bread lines. Keeping us from coming together with comprehensive energy policies backed with bipartisan support is their version of grasping at straws. They fight us everywhere whether it's Venezuela, the Middle East or North Korea. Why? Why is it ever?
  16. He's been a stalwart for the Constitution like he has been his whole career. I may not agree with him on policy but that is nothing when compared to his stand on constitutional standards.
  17. You've done yeoman's work in reading through Abby Normal's mountains of trash. Alas, you've wasted your time. Anyone reasonable here knows he's fullofshit and relies on volume to discourage anyone refuting his nonsense. Well, you've refuted his nonsense but you've done nothing to change his mind. You would have better luck in herding cats.
  18. Thanks but no thanks. I wouldn't want to depend on you for anything but your lies. That's the one thing you are really good at, delivering lies. You're like a five-star lie delivery company. You are one of a kind. Liar of liars. Chief of falsehoods and deceiver of others. You've found your niche.
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