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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Makes about as much legal sense as requiring a similar payment in order to vote.
  2. Because college loans are so easy to get way too many kids (yes, kids) go to college when many of them should be getting an apprenticeship or whatever. They leave school, whether graduating or not and many still don't have any prospects. They owe a ton of money and have no real way of paying it back. Because loans were so available colleges took advantage and became more expensive and bloated.
  3. Liawatha speak with forked tongue and is a 1/2024 Indian Giver.
  4. A new building is already going up on the upper east side. Thatch windows relieve the stress of having to view Central Park.
  5. Somehow I get the distinct impression that you would revel in the fact that Trump was guilty as hell about anything. It's not like you're rooting for Trump's policies to not work out but that you are rooting for Trump the person to fail. I bet that would send a tingle down your leg.
  6. Shhhhh. I have it from an unimpeachable source that Kerry favors a certain Persian belly dancer when he visits Iran. Any negotiating going on is with her. Edit: He did negotiate a sweet deal for a slip for his boat, but that was for a few nuclear extras for Iran in Obama's signature foreign policy achievement.
  7. It could have been Seth Rich or anybody not named Ivan who downloaded the info directly from the DNC computer. It is highly unlikely if not impossible for anyone to have hacked the info online.
  8. I could have come up with those 11 laughable (maybe I'll try this, or that) conjectures in an afternoon and charged a lot less than 35 million dollars. My God, man they even tried to say that Trump might be obstructing justice by denying any wrongdoing.
  9. So, if Trump's economy was really Obama's was Obama's economy really Bush's and can Clinton be blamed for the meltdown in 2008?
  10. The above quote, posted here is a crockofshit. When you think it can’t get any worse, it does,” servile Senate Republicans keep whimpering. The sentiment came up when Trump announced his latest choice for an open Federal Reserve Board seat—former presidential candidate and Trump super PAC head Herman Cain. Until then, Trump’s previous selection for another open seat, Stephen Moore, think tank executive, pundit, and author of Trumponomics, a homage to the president whom he also recommended for the Nobel Prize in Economics, held the record for least credentialed person up for a seat on the Fed board. Together, these two amateurs are a critical part of Trump’s re-election strategy, which is not just to build a wall, close the border, and deter asylum-seekers by making orphans of their babies. It’s also to keep those lured by tax cuts and an (Obama) economy to stay the course. Should the economy slow, Trump won’t just need someone to blame. He’ll need someone to juice it. Right now that means laying the groundwork to undercut the independence of the most important central bank in the world. Thus the campaign for Cain and Moore—an heir, and a spare, ready to become chair should anything happen to the current one. Now, it’s the Fed’s time in the barrel. Trump’s soured on its too-independent chairman Jay Powell, whom the president elevated after he found former chair Janet Yellen too short (and too female and too independent) for the job. Powell, who served in the first Bush administration, didn’t jump fast enough when Trump began blaming the Fed's interest-rate policy for drops in the stock market, Trump’s applause meter for how the economy is doing. After Powell said rates would remain steady, Trump rewarded him with a Comey-like dinner at the White House. Immediately after, the Fed assured the public that the chairman “did not discuss his expectations for monetary policy.” That’s all it took for Trump to resume trashing him, and to nominate the two stooges. Trump has asked his lawyers how he could fire Powell, according to Bloomberg. To avoid being yelled at, as former White House counsel Don McGahn was when giving unwelcome legal advice, his lawyers only cited the inevitable court challenge that would follow any dismissal for “cause”—a standard not defined since no prior president has ever tried to remove a Fed chair. Making orphans of their babies? Trump's policies are to kill parents? Useless post from a useless poster.
  11. He makes "low-key" sound exciting but his content is always right on the money.
  12. The critical point here is how the DNC info was taken. It seems like there is ample evidence to believe that it was downloaded to a thumb drive from inside the DNC. Whether it was Seth Rich or not is immaterial. If the download speed was too fast for online hacking then it pretty much belies any Russian involvement in stealing the information. Without that presumption the Left's case falls completely apart and the IC and media are shown to be complicit in this fraud of an investigation.
  13. The Yeldon signing allows the Bills to trade late round picks in order to move up for BPA in rounds 1-4. They don't need the 10 picks, they need quality over quantity.
  14. https://www.worldtribune.com/greatest-hits-21-report-says-dnc-files-were-copied-not-hacked-5-days-before-murder-of-seth-rich/ Key findings in the report by the IT specialist known as The Forensicator: On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually appears on the “NGP VAN” 7zip file (the subject of this analysis). This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September 13, 2016. Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet. The initial copying activity was likely done from a computer system that had direct access to the data. “Direct access” means that the individual who was collecting the data either had physical access to the computer where the data was stored, or the data was copied over a local high speed network (LAN). This initial copying activity was done on a system where Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings were in force. Most likely, the computer used to initially copy the data was located somewhere on the East Coast. The data was likely initially copied to a computer running Linux, because the file last modified times all reflect the apparent time of the copy and this is a characteristic of the Linux ‘cp’ command (using default options). A Linux OS may have been booted from a USB flash drive and the data may have been copied back to the same flash drive, which will likely have been formatted with the Linux (ext4) file system. Analysts believe the most important aspect in The Forensicator’s report is the “estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s)” at which the documents were copied. Analysts say it’s “inconceivable” the DNC documents could have been copied at such speed from a remote location. Disobedient Media noted that “The Forensicator concluded that the chance that the files had been accessed and downloaded remotely over the Internet were too small to give this idea any serious consideration. He explained that the calculated transfer speeds for the initial copy were much faster than can be supported by an Internet connection. “This is extremely significant and completely discredits allegations of Russian hacking
  15. Well, the Left seems to be for third term + abortions. Maybe in HAHA Gator's case we could get them to go for a retroactive abortion, based on merit.
  16. Yes, every poll in 2016 had Hillary winning. Those damn Russians must have flipped the election for Trump.
  17. Too bad (for her) that as the most qualified person to ever run for the Presidency she didn't understand that the Electoral College is what decides who wins.
  18. But not for a republic, which for the umpteenth time is what we are.
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