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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. When he was advocating crusading for gay marriage?
  2. The discussion was about the border crisis and the Left's denial of it. You posted that there wasn't an actual crisis. I took exception with that. Still do.
  3. The discussion had to do with the crisis at our southern border and you posted this: "At least in 2008, there was an actual crisis". Don't be a jerk, or is that asking too much?
  4. You didn't check out your sisters' bras too, like uh, a friend of mine did, did you?
  5. Trump is adhering to the constitutional restraints to a far greater degree than the two previous presidents. Congress is taking the position of opposing everything that might make Trump look good. Trump wants a wall and said he'd be willing to settle the Dreamer situation in exchange for it. Two years ago the dems were desperate to do a deal. Now not a peep. There's a true crisis at our southern border and the dem leadership is denying it because solving the problem would be making Trump look good. As usual the dems put party over country.
  6. I don't want to seem insensitive but how many times do you let this happen before putting your foot down? What did he tell him, I'll give you 30 minutes to stop that?
  7. Only after a driver or two swerve to avoid the crosswalk and crash into the bus stop bench, killing three and maiming two.
  8. I'm just wondering if we should warn HAHA Gator not to stick his dick down a groundhog hole.
  9. Almost one in four or 37% want Congress to move on. Gotcha.
  10. So, after 2+ years of investigations by Mueller and 18 prosecutors plus all of their staff and 35 million dollars Trump still needs to be investigated? He's been thoroughly investigated and the DOJ could find no reason to charge him with anything. Thisshit is nothing more than pure partisanship.
  11. You were such a better poster when you used to limit yourself to just supporting gay marriage.
  12. So Bob, you're for double jeopardy? Making Congress a new criminal branch of the government?
  13. It amazes me how some here can compile the volume of statistics they do to make their point. Where do they get the time?
  14. I'd remind you that you have a fiduciary duty to not knowingly giveshitheads shitadvice but I don't think the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards really cares in this case.
  15. This is it exactly. When it was widely thought Clinton would win they went after her. When Trump won they went after him and the MSM was more than willing to do whatever they could to denigrate Trump.
  16. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=F16B58CFE445AA60FFF92511CACD829349109AE0&thid=OIP.vidlKbpfZ9WzHOM2X-GRYgHaEK&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.rapgenius.com%2F180d0040b182713a0342fcfe3e2983dd.555x312x112.gif&exph=312&expw=555&q=throw+in+the+towel+pics&selectedindex=57&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,2,6
  17. We need a new prison reform discussion just after new laws were put in place?
  18. Listen, many of us here are pretty knowledgeable regarding what's been going on for the last two years or so as it pertains to the Russian probe nonsense. I'd venture to guess that we know more than the average newsperson reporting on it. We owe a lot of this knowledge to DR who has been all over this since it started. On many, many occasions we've had people show up here who think they can debate this topic with the board when they don't knowjackshit other than what Don Lemon has told them. That's the scenario that gets you a collective eyeroll from most posters here. There's another scenario that makes us just want to give you the middle finger and put you on ignore. You've come to a football board and immediately find it's political forum and make your first posts there? That's just not very believable. Odds are that you are a former poster that has been banned and are here to just disrupt the threads. Prove me wrong by going back and reading through the pertinent threads and gain some knowledge and then start posting. I for one have no desire to be your tutor.
  19. It's a well known fact that the Italian Navy Ninja Class Battleships which consisted of the Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael never could figure out that thermostat thingy. It's a shame, they were so sleek and dreamy.
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