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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. A different slant from the AP: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/beluga-whale-with-russian-harness-raises-alarm-in-norway/ar-BBWoBF2?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=HPDHP17
  2. You've hit the nail right on the head. He's a man with a relatively clean record with a truly mystifying combination of thick and thin skin, coupled with the chutzpah of a Circus Ring Master who loves his country and is a patriot. It took someone like him that had the personality quirks and booming ego to pull off what we hope will happen and put our country back on the right track.
  3. "60 Minutes" has been around since 1968 and seems to me that it may have been the first news show to be seen as a profit center.
  4. They are trying to "earn" their future legal fees.
  5. Being a truly effective president has nothing to do with "like". Regardless of the horseshit he spreads, he's not only on the right track philosophically but he's competent and moving his agenda forward.
  6. I know this might be difficult for you to swallow but my guess is that no one here gave twoshits regarding your thoughts.
  7. This was their 30-year Senator and Leader of the dems in the Senate: https://dailycaller.com/2015/03/31/reid-has-no-regrets-lying-about-romney-taxes-video/ In an exclusive interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, departing Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said he had no regrets about lying on the Senate floor that Republican Mitt Romney hadn’t paid his taxes in 12 years, because in the end, “Romney didn’t win.” (VIDEO: CNN Grills State Department Spox: Why Won’t Iran Deal Be Like Failed North Korea Deal?) close dialog Advertisement close dialog Bash noted in the narration that Reid accused Romney “with no evidence” of having not paid any taxes, and also attacked the Koch brothers on the Senate floor. “No, I don’t regret that at all,” Reid responded. “The Koch brothers, no one would help me. They were afraid the Koch brothers would go after them.” “So no regrets about Mitt Romney, about the Koch brothers?” Bash pushed. “Some people would even call it McCarthyite.” “Well, they call it whatever they want,” he said with the faintest hint of a smile. “Romney didn’t win, did he?”
  8. To be more concise, if you were running the campaign you would use every dishonest trick in the book to mischaracterize everything Trump has ever done or spoken about. I understand how campaigns work, what I don't understand is people like you who put blind partisanship ahead of their country.
  9. Your post reminded me of Harry Reid when confronted with his lies about Mitt Romney, "it worked didn't it"? Everything you listed is basically a twisted version of the truth. There's a reason you didn't provide a link to any of your proclamations. Were there no good people on both sides at Charlottesville? Where are your stats on "hate crimes up"? Where is your proof of anything? Those points may be what the dems will push but they are just a bunch of lies propagated by liars, and you have no problem with that.
  10. Is this now the official "go to" place for Lefty talking points? You do yourself no favors at PPP posting crap without backing it up. You also can't be considered serious when you post stuff that has repeatedly been debunked here and elsewhere.
  11. A good offensive line makes playmakers of wide receivers, tight ends and backs.
  12. Did you hear about this new game that they are playing at The Falls? First you get a barrel...……………..
  13. I never said it did. I was just trying to be helpful to people who couldn't open the article that was in the thread of Kirk's tweet. The link is that article.
  14. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/nov/3/another-kavanaugh-accuser-admits-fabricating-rape-/
  15. http://amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/nov/3/another-kavanaugh-accuser-admits-fabricating-rape-/ Try the above link.
  16. Click on the time/date stamp on Kirk's tweet, then click on the article in the thread from The Washington Times.
  17. Joe Biden would make a terrible president. He has no imbedded political philosophy. Not only that, he can't make up his mind and react without considering, reconsidering and rereconsidering and only deciding upon a course of action when he absolutely needs to make a decision.
  18. Seems like she got it backward. She became unglued before becoming glued?
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