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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You'd be a very good troll if you were bright, or funny or even smarter than a fifth grader. Oh, it would help if you could spell too. Just one more thing, you would do better if you weren't such a liar.
  2. HAHA Gator, you have done yourself proud. Now you've tripled down on dumb. Click on the link in my post and you'll see that what I posted was about Biden's poor decisions, not about bombing. Is there a part of you that isn't obtuse?
  3. Please everyone, get your Stupid Vaccination. There are enough stupid people making stupid posts and then coming here that it's important that we stop this virus right away. The discourse here continues to suffer from not only the old stand-bys but also the newbies who think they have something to offer without actually knowing jackshit about the subject.
  4. So, you're going to double down on your original ignorant post even after it has been explained to you why you were wrong? My post that you are referring to was about the fact that Joe Biden has basically always made bad decisions and has been on the wrong side of history. That's what the article I posted was about but you didn't get that, twice.
  5. Barr is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee tomorrow. The House on Thursday.
  6. The article was about Biden's poor decisions and positions he has made and taken over his political career. I guess that was too difficult for you to understand though.
  7. Hmmmmn. HAHA Gator's posts have sounded sort of hollow. I wonder if it's possible...……………...
  8. https://www.commentarymagazine.com/politics-ideas/campaigns-elections/joe-biden-bad-judgment/ There may be no greater incongruity in American politics than that between the unilateral powers vested in the president on matters related to foreign affairs and how little the electorate cares about foreign affairs. Absent an acute crisis, events on the world stage just aren’t foremost on American minds. Joe Biden’s ascension to the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination would alter that equation, in part because he spent over a decade as the ranking member and then chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. But Biden’s efforts to favorably contrast himself with the Trump administration on foreign policy will be complicated by his record of astoundingly bad judgment. Biden opposed providing support to the South Vietnamese government following American withdrawal from South East Asia, contributing to the horrific conditions that led to the fall of Saigon. When Gerald Ford’s administration sought to resettle as many South Vietnamese refugees as it could, Biden joined Democratic efforts to withhold refugee assistance and exclude “barmaids, prostitutes and criminals” from eligibility. Though Biden’s flawed foreign-policy instincts often reflected the liberal consensus at the time, they were still unsound. It goes on and on...……………………….check out the link
  9. Hugo Chavez died in office in 2013. Are you trying to be funny or just that ignorant?
  10. Supply and demand will take care of the minimum wage thing. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Some states have no minimum wage laws so the federal law takes precedence. Many states have their own set minimum wages. For example, California's is $12.00 an hour. NYS minimum wage is $11.10 an hour. My local (NYS) Walmarts have a sandwich board at their entrances advertising for help with a starting wage of $13.75 an hour. They've been up for months. No minimum wage caused Walmart to pay $2.65 an hour in excess of it. I refuse to pay to read the NYT so I can't remark about their article specifically but can't imagine based on the above that it is really telling the true story.
  11. They are contracted workers who get a 1099 and are not subject to certain laws. If they want different circumstances then they can change those circumstances themselves, especially with such a good economy.
  12. If you think the name 3rdnlng has anything to do with football you are sadly mistaken.
  13. Trump may be many things but incompetent is not one of them. Since by your own admission we are doing "pretty well" with Trump, why wouldn't you want to stay the course?
  14. Yes, that's a problem but I wonder why someone wants to vote for any of the dem candidates who want to take such fine health insurance away from 180 million people?
  15. https://www.comparecards.com/guide/pay-0-interest-until-2021?utm_source=msnhp&grp=pay-0-2021&utm_medium=native&pla=www.msn.com&tar=cms&acqs=prospecting&bdst=cpm&esourceid=6381636&utm_campaign=20190429&utm_content=5+cards+charging+0+interest+until+2021&adt=beachredglasses_s8&c3=mid
  16. Looks like he got his choice when they were passing out spines.
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