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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I used to call a certain poster here "Yesbut" because of his proclivity to equivocate. Don't be a "Yesbut". Up thread I quoted you and I have not yet received an answer. My response made it clear that Barr did not lie.
  2. I don't want to run him off. If he can't deal with being called out for hiding from his own opinions then he'll be leaving on his own volition. The last thing I want to do is spend a bunch of time debating someone on the issues, and then have them essentially claim that they were just trying to explain to us what someone else's position is/was. I actually think he might be coming around in some respects because he appears to be doubting some of what he's always thought was true. I agree, he has potential.
  3. Well, if revenue were to increase I guess that would mean that the deficit would go down, unless spending increased more than revenue increased.
  4. Why? He's only explaining to us what other people think, not what he believes personally. Of course he doesn't claim that until he sees he's losing the argument. -)
  5. Don't argue a point and then when you see you are losing, claim you are just presenting someone else's point. This isn't the first time you've done this and it won't work here. When you get cut you're supposed to bleed...…………………………………...profusely.
  6. AOC---we need to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. HAHA Gator---we need to let everyone who wants to come here, come here. All problems solved.
  7. Trump's economic policies are shaking up our economy. We need to give the process as much time to work as we would give to our football team. -)
  8. So, Barr's belief that someone on Mueller's team may have wrote the letter is a contradiction to him saying that he didn't know what members of Mueller's team thought? Not only is your premise just flat out legally wrong, if the democrats want to make an issue of Barr not releasing Mueller's summaries when Mueller wanted him to, then they are doing nothing more than howling at the moon.
  9. Barr was AG for Bush 41. While he may have hated Trump at one time, he doesn't anymore. The democrats are going after Barr because they know he will soon be shaking their world up with not only indictments, but the subsequent political consequences look to have the republicans most likely end up with the Senate, House and Presidency. In addition, the present clown show that thinks they have a chance to win the presidency is trying to impress their leftist base. The democrats only chance is to give Barr the Trump treatment that's been going on for the last 3 years. If they can somehow diminish Barr they think they might diminish his ability to indict without it looking political. They truly are clowns and are living up to expectations.
  10. Structurally, yes. Content wise, like a mad scientist with a pocket protector.
  11. Take it easy on the poor boy, he doesn't know what is illegal and what is not. He gets easily confused because of his TDS. He's a teacher for Heaven's sake, which is almost like being a God. Did you know that he had 2 of his second grade students accepted to Harvard?
  12. Read the whole thing. . Love me some VDH. Well worth the short read.
  13. Does that statement include what HAHA Gator might say?
  14. It's just wrong. Taking away the children's right to become a sex or factory slave just because it can be proven that the 20-year old they are traveling with is not their father is cruel.
  15. The key word here is "members". Who decided to endorse Biden?
  16. That whole exchange boils down to Barr believing that the President can shut down an investigation if he's not trying to coverup a misdeed. He can share Eric Holder's cell with him.
  17. If I remember correctly he was tops in law school in mock debates. I've never seen him not be the more capable debater.
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