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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. There's this game going on up in your neck of the woods that you might want to play. First you get a barrel...………………………………..
  2. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/11/03/500535943/steven-seagal-is-now-a-citizen-of-russia-courtesy-of-putin
  3. That's almost as good as sending the illegal aliens to sanctuary cities.
  4. Transitioning to Russian like Seagal himself?
  5. Senate Leader Harry Reid basically said that it was ok to lie because "it worked". Not a peep condemning it from his party. Schumer is worse. Pelosi is worse yet. Find anyone in the republican party who can lie as often and as well as: Schiff Swallwell Watters Johnson Hirono Blumenthal Harris Warren Booker Etc. They have no shame.
  6. I already know how to shoot with iron sites and with a scope. I rarely shoot and do not have laser sites. I was half joking. My experience with lasers is with measurement devices which suck in bright sunlight but are fine in the shade. My hands are as steady as can be but measure something from 50-60 feet and see how that little dot bounces around. I'm sure that a two hand grip would improve that but nothing is a panacea to practice and proper form.
  7. Democrats say they want something concrete but what they really want is the issue of not getting it. They want to be able to paint the opposition in a light of their own choosing. A prime example of this is the Dreamer situation. When offered a solution they won't take it because they out and out lie so much that they can blame the issue on the republicans. Dems can only be competitive when they lie. If you understand that then you'll understand dems.
  8. Be careful of criticizing Joe Biden. He'll be breathing down your neck in no time at all.
  9. To say that Tucker is "beating" Rachel would appear to minimalize abuse. I think saying that poor Rachel is just, er "flaming out" would be more appropriate. She probably can't even get it up anymore.
  10. Yes, but if we find him a job the one-legged bi-curious mulatto dwarf demographic will actually be at full employment.
  11. That's sorta like how my daughters hair grew in. Fortunately it filled in by the time she was 2-3 years old.
  12. Within minutes of signing up to a football forum he made a beeline to PPP and started posting. If it walks like a duck and goes quack, quack there's a good chance it's a duck.
  13. I wouldn't be calling that man a chicken, you fool. Mar 26, 2019 · A capon is a castrated rooster. Capons are considered by many people to be a boutique and old fashioned sort of food, and they tend to have more tender, flavorful flesh as well as a higher fat content. The markedly different flavor profile of a capon is distinctive to consumers once they taste it, especially when the bird has been conscientiously raised.
  14. Include mandatory Life Insurance classes in High School.
  15. I agree about free speech and all, but really couldn't we find a way to shut up Mazie Hirono and Maxine Watters?
  16. Whose reading comprehension is in question now? I never called you "Yesbut". I said for you to not be a "Yesbut". Regardless in one of these threads here I explained to you why Barr was not lying and you have not responded. Your continued silence makes me believe that you most likely agree with my superior opinion and just don't want to admit it.
  17. I understand the argument fully. Your TDS is strong within you and you have gotten to the point in this argument where you start calling me names. When you run out of ammunition it does you little good to throw your gun at me.
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