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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. No, but it's clear that lone wolf Asian men are.
  2. If you listen carefully it's hidden in the dialogue.
  3. Take it from one who knows. Don't feed stray cats. As far as a Trump/Biden debate one must understand the broad depth of knowledge Biden has. Just the other day he told us about a recent conversation with Marie Antoinette regarding Trump.
  4. HAHA Gator, how can you in good conscience call someone else unamerican? You out and out laughed at the deaths of Americans in Benghazi. You thought it was funny.
  5. Well I'll be darned, seems like the dems are confused as to the direction of their party. The candidates that want the NGD (no more cows, planes or fossil fuels), elimination of private healthcare insurance, infanticide and to raise taxes are sucking hind tit to an old white guy who likes to not only touch women, kids and men but sniffs their hair. He has more gaffes than a whaler and is himself a fossil. This has the potential of an all out food fight with one side throwing T-bones while the other side throws tofu. The undercards could have Spartacus giving the rainbow mayor a good ass whipping, while Liawatha challenges Gillibrand to a game of beer pong and Threehouse Sanders teams up with Kama Sutra Harris to show off their version of the "Brown Willy". Good times ahead.
  6. The most damage done to our republic by outside influence has been done since 11/9/16. What has been transpiring since Trump was elected is far and above any Russian expectations. Think of it this way: If individuals, especially politicians used common sense and/or judicious discernment then they could never be taken in by all of the outrageous faux charges. Instead of watering the seeds planted by outside sources looking to sow contention within our society, these politicians and others need to use common sense and discard the nonsense spewed by people that are taking part in instigating discord amongst us. Truth is not trumped by partisanship and repeating lies to further an agenda is how we as a society can be affected by those out to harm us. If we use common sense and seek the truth we'll be fine.
  7. I didn't see you used it but regardless you must have thought it funny. Anyway I've got to go now, the bottom of my shoe still has a little bit of you left on it and the stench is sickening.
  8. Not only are you the equivalent of dog**** that I stepped on that doesn't want to come off my shoe but a low IQ poster, incapable of coherent thought and doomed to mediocrity but worse, you have no sense of humor.
  9. You're an idiot. I can see why some people here despise you to the extent they do. Trump was absolutely right in his observations regarding the Derby. In today's climate there was no way they could allow a horse named "Maximum Security" to win. There's a fight to denigrate whites and push for diversity. Of course they had to make the dark horse win.
  10. So, lamenting the Notre Dame Cathedral fire and giving the Church and France his condolences was talking out his ass? Clearing brush in forests to mitigate fire loss is not good policy? Stop with the crap about me worshipping Trump. A person can agree with his policies and feel that he gets criticized unmercifully without liking everything about him.
  11. So, you bring up his comments regarding Notre Dame Cathedral and clearing of brush in the forests? Sounds a little contrived.
  12. Again, I have criticized him here, I just don't go looking for shittomake up. You do.
  13. This is how it really works. I don't spend my time attacking Trump just to attack him. You do.
  14. Criticizing him for this would only be appropriate if he wasn't putting the effort into his job. From all accounts he's the hardest working president in memory. His comments concerning Notre Dame Cathedral were non controversial while his remarks regarding clearing brush to help reduce fire damage is only common sense. Remarking about the race disqualification is nothing other than stating his opinion. Do you have an opinion about anything?
  15. No problem with legal immigrants based on merit. Maybe people who want to be a productive member of society and will go to school to become a doctor, engineer, welder, plumber, teacher, etc.
  16. I especially liked the part where Bill Clinton stated that the Trump administration doesn't think the same rules apply to them as they do to everyone else. Maybe they could increase revenues by calling it a comedy tour.
  17. I think the Russians had/have enough on Hillary that she would have preferred that the whole thing just went away. Talk about Putin's puppet, her foundation took in 150 million plus from Russian sources and you can take it to the bank that they had their hooks into her whether she knew it or not.
  18. Travis should have learned to unstick himself a tad earlier with all those baby mommas.
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