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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. My comments did not address whether or not his gayness was a big deal. I simply stated that an openly gay man couldn't win the presidency. The republicans would harvest just about every single vote that stands against homosexuality. It was just a dozen years ago that Obama and the Clintons were speaking out against gay marriage. There's a large percentage of voters such as blacks and Hispanics, let alone religious objections from Christians and Muslims who might otherwise vote for a dem who would not cast their vote for a gay man.
  2. I can agree with you that it is important but it is a loss only in comparison to what we hope it to be. As of today, we are already ahead.
  3. There is no way an openly gay man is going to win the presidency. Like it or not, a "first husband" isn't in our cards.
  4. The SFPD doesn't go on "patrol", they go on "sashay".
  5. This post right here is unassailable proof that pot erodes people's minds. The division in this country has been caused in a large part by the Left taking the misinformation partially caused by themselves and a little gasoline thrown on the fire by the Russians and run with it.
  6. Start with getting HAHA Gator to quit sucking his thumb and wetting the bed. After that you can branch out to shoe tying lessons for him.
  7. After Dirty Harry cleared out the real criminals there wasn't much need of cops anymore.
  8. That sign is as old as Satchell Paige. It means "Steal, Cracker".
  9. We give him 8 years and a shitload of good stuff will get done.
  10. From what I understand Volume 11 of the Mueller Report is 180 odd pages. 6 lines have been redacted. Nadler and gang's whole purpose here is to not get what they claim they want. That's usually the dems MO. They love to have issues that they can blame on the republicans.
  11. Finding it difficult to see why she is so pro abortion. With her face and attitude it's most likely a moot point.
  12. That movement has been funded by George Soros over the years.
  13. Patrick M. Shanahan is our acting SoD and has been since Mattis resigned. I'd chastise you for your ignorance but I know you can't help yourself.
  14. Trump was just channeling his inner Biden.
  15. Please point to the level of joy and laughter you feel.
  16. Actually, I wonder what bone fides any of the dem candidates have as it pertains to foreign policy? Excluding O'Biden, who has had a perfect failure rate when it comes to dealing with other countries I don't know who does. Threehouse Sanders did honeymoon in Russia and Liawatha did have to apologize to the Cherokee Nation so there's that, but it seems to be the extent of their experience.
  17. Can you name any of the specific stated foreign policy philosophies that any of the dem candidates have espoused?
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