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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I think you are missing the point. At some point in a pregnancy a fetus is considered a viable human life and should not be aborted (murdered). Now, where that point is where the debate resides. The far right would almost say it starts with foreplay between a man and a woman, while the far left would say "second grade". Forget about the discussion for a moment where you think that point is. Let's arbitrarily say it's 20 weeks, or you pick another point for the sake of this discussion. In fact let's not even put a number on it but call it the "go/no go point". Think about this: Is it OK to murder a fetus that's passed that "go/no go point because it was conceived from an act of rape but not OK to murder a fetus presumably conceived out of love? The big hullabaloo about rape and ***** is just one large canard to confuse the issue. Seriously, if your sister was raped you wouldn't suggest a "morning after pill"? Problem solved. The only real issue here is determining the "go/no go point". Anything else is just a bunchofbullshit.
  2. It's like telling a cop he's an ugly pig when he pulls you over for speeding. I don't think he's going to get off with a warning.
  3. I got the part about his friends who dumpster dive but the first statement was written in Canadian and Greek to me.
  4. Sure, he was great as the principle in that movie. I liked him better in Wayne's World though.
  5. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/05/debbie-wasserman-schultzs-brother-steven-wasserman-accused-burying-seth-rich-case/ Plus one of the Awan brothers (I believe Imran) was the last person to be seen with Seth Rich.
  6. The recent changes in the respective laws in NY and VA along with the reported selling of baby parts, specifically by Planned Parenthood has had a backlash. The Left is always pushing the envelope to try to push our country far left and what you see is a backlash to that push. The majority of the people in the USA are incensed with the NYS lawmaker's celebration and the cavalier attitude regarding infanticide by the Virginia governor. They've gone too far and now Alabama has passed a law that the Left will have to sue over. The pro lifers will now get their case in front of the SCOTUS. The Left got too pushy and now may end up losing on the abortion issue.
  7. Have you never met a female who had big balls? How about a male who was a p u s s y?
  8. My fleet would bottle up yours in a heartbeat.
  9. I've had that same thought while listening to Nunes & Jordan. They must have had some really good dreams of what they'd like to do to Adam Schiff over his outright lies.
  10. The easy accessibility of college loans has had the (maybe) unintended consequences of both burdening the non-thinking students with mountains of debt with no way of paying it back and the fattening of college coffers. I posted awhile back a story about the increase in "diversity" officers at I believe University of Michigan. They have 38 now. Think of that, in the past they had none or one or two. I see advertisements all the time from either unions or employers looking for people to learn trades such as welding, electrical and plumbing. College kids need to learn that they can get paid a so/so wage to learn a trade that might bring $40+ an hour down the road rather than graduate with a degree where they can start working at some social agency for $18,000 a year with 100k in debt. The guys with the trades will eventually be building some type of barn to hold their boats, jet skis and snowmobiles while the guy with the undergraduate degree will be trying to figure out how he is going to get his 15-year old Lumina to pass inspection.
  11. I like this answer also. I personally am not for abortion but I'm not against it on a wider basis. I believe abortion is between the parties and their God but I also believe that it should be regulated by government so that babies aren't being murdered in the third trimester. As someone who has had to make a life or death decision over someone else I'm well aware of how difficult that decision can be. With that said, yes, there are fewer blacks & whites in this world than grays.
  12. Very good response from someone who certainly has some expertise on the subject. This is the kind of discussion that I would hope would happen more often here at PPP. BTW it is the Georgia law that uses 6 weeks as a defined term. The Alabama law basically forbids abortion altogether and really came about as a political challenge to right to choose people, with the idea that the SCOTUS will eventually rule on the inevitable lawsuits. On another note, I think that anyone who is raped should get a "morning after pill" as soon as possible.
  13. There should be no difference between how a person gets pregnant as it pertains to abortion. If it's considered murder after the first trimester for a baby conceived out of love then it's still murder of a baby even if it was conceived during a rape. The Alabama law was passed for one reason and that was to get it reviewed by the SCOTUS.
  14. Actually I heard a discussion yesterday on the radio between a moderator, a woman who had been raped and a woman who was against abortion, even in the instance of rape. The woman who was against rape regardless of the circumstances made the point that if you were of the belief that the baby was alive, and it was murder to abort at any point in the pregnancy, then it would also be murder to abort a baby created out of rape or *****. I agree with that assessment. Now, before one of our idiot posters here starts making a big deal out of that I haven't made my mind up when an embryo should be considered viable or a living baby. I know it's not the morning after but I certainly know that that the point that a woman is dilating is way too late for an abortion.
  15. Sometimes it's hard to tell. I'll see "breaking news" and think to myself that we've been discussing that here for some time.
  16. I saw that clip too. My take was that Barr is determined to get to the bottom of things.
  17. Wasn't that supposed hacking done at a speed that can't be accomplished over the internet, but only through a direct connection like a jump drive?
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