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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Did you not state here unequivocally that you would wait to see what the Mueller Reports recommendation was before coming to a conclusion? Didn't you praise Mueller as an honest arbiter?
  2. Again, you postshit that's hidden behind a paywall to justify your post. You post Fake Links all the time.
  3. You acted as if it was a law. I'm sorry I responded to you at all. I had forgotten how difficult is was with you to have a discussion. Everything you say is just a little bit off in some way. Is English your first language?
  4. I take exception to that. For Botox to have traveled to her brain it would mean that it sunk in. We all know It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for something to sink into Pelosi's brain.
  5. Seems like you are always having disagreements in regards to what or how you say something. Do you think that you just might be the problem?
  6. It appears as if you have had some sort of epiphany since November of 2016. You are demanding that Trump adhere to a law you have made up in your mind.
  7. Reminds me of the scene in "Catch Me If You Can" when Decrapio gives the pro a fake check, gets laid and gets cash back.
  8. I think a line item labeled "Amount paid to you by over litigious porn stars" might be more interesting.
  9. Who's hiding anything? That's the equivalent of saying someone's hiding their genitals by putting on underwear. Trump's tax returns are not our business unless the IRS says there's a problem.
  10. Yes, that's what I meant but I wanted to use words that even HAHA Gator might have a chance of understanding. What, to go along with your chicken heart, bird brain and chickenshit?
  11. I doubt there are any panaceas in life. You are right, adoption doesn't solve the abortion debate but it does mitigate it somewhat. My guess is that adopting a seven year old from foster care would be full of more fraught than adopting a newborn. Abstinence is the only way to fully solve the abortion issue. Lacking that, birth control would seem to be a pretty good substitute.
  12. Studies have shown that 100% of adoptees prefer adoption as the ultimate solution to unwanted babies. It is assumed that those aborted also would prefer adoption if they had a choice, believe it is no joking matter, and are inherently against having their legs pulled.
  13. I know it wasn't new information but seeing it with eyes that have seen what has gone on for the last three years puts it in a far brighter light.
  14. Biden has always been a simpleton who makes decisions based on expediency. Ask him the same question next week and you might get a different answer. He's "No Backbone Joe."
  15. hthttps://www.mintpressnews.com/comey-warner-collude-russiagate-julian-assange/244915/tps://www.mintpressnews.com/comey-warner-collude-russiagate-julian-assange/244915/ An explosive report by investigative journalist John Solomon on the opinion page of Monday’s edition of The Hill sheds a bright light on how Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and then-FBI Director James Comey collaborated to prevent WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange from discussing “technical evidence ruling out certain parties [read Russia]” in the controversial leak of Democratic Party emails to WikiLeaks during the 2016 election. A deal that was being discussed last year between Assange and U.S. government officials would have given Assange “limited immunity” to allow him to leave the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has been exiled for six years. In exchange, Assange would agree to limit through redactions “some classified CIA information he might release in the future,” according to Solomon, who cited “interviews and a trove of internal DOJ documents turned over to Senate investigators.” Solomon even provided a copy of the draft immunity deal with Assange. But Comey’s intervention to stop the negotiations with Assange ultimately ruined the deal, Solomon says, quoting “multiple sources.” With the prospective agreement thrown into serious doubt, Assange “unleashed a series of leaks that U.S. officials say damaged their cyber warfare capabilities for a long time to come.” These were the Vault 7 releases, which led then CIA Director Mike Pompeo to call WikiLeaks “a hostile intelligence service.” Solomon’s report provides reasons why Official Washington has now put so much pressure on Ecuador to keep Assange incommunicado in its embassy in London. The report does not say what led Comey to intervene to ruin the talks with Assange. But it came after Assange had offered to “provide technical evidence and discussion regarding who did not engage in the DNC releases,” Solomon quotes WikiLeaks’ intermediary with the government as saying. It would be a safe assumption that Assange was offering to prove that Russia was not WikiLeaks’ source of the DNC emails. If that was the reason Comey and Warner ruined the talks, as is likely, it would reveal a cynical decision to put U.S. intelligence agents and highly sophisticated cybertools at risk, rather than allow Assange to at least attempt to prove that Russia was not behind the DNC leak. The greater risk to Warner and Comey apparently would have been if Assange provided evidence that Russia played no role in the 2016 leaks of DNC documents.
  16. Injuring and stealing, eh? Maybe removing their hands and deporting them would be appropriate.
  17. Why do you want to see him cleaning ***** underwear? Is this some kind of fetish that you have?
  18. No, kicking him in the ass (literally) would probably be a real stimulus for him.
  19. Yes, I'd like to give him a little "nocioception" right to his nose.
  20. The Equadorian President visited the White House shortly before Assange was expelled. Take it for what it's worth.
  21. A quick search shows several different stages where a fetus is considered to feel pain. The anti-abortion groups seem to claim there's pain at 8 weeks while the abortion enthusiasts claim it's up to 28 weeks. Others think it's about 20 weeks. The example used by Dr. Levatino was 2nd trimester which 20 weeks would fall right in the middle of that. Twenty weeks is also considered about the earliest a fetus could be viable outside the womb. Nothing in his testimony could be refuted with certainty. So there. I posted that here in response to a post by B-Man on the previous page that you responded to also. I should have quoted that in posting the Dr.'s testimony.
  22. Do you want to explain why it's horseshit or do you just want to "discuss" it like HAHA Gator would? I'm speaking directly about Dr. Levatino's testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee.
  23. What, and end up with a bunch of 70-year old undergraduate women?
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