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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. JUST IN: The only idiots who care about KKK idiots having a rally are in the media. Ok, the idiots in the Southern Poverty Law Center care too but eh. Wait, not even a dozen … NINE OF THEM SHOWED UP. and the same comment: And I would add, that if your 'response to this article is that we are denying that there is a small, vocal (despicable) group of white supremacists in the U.S. then you either didn't read the article or you are an idiot. Your choice. Just heard on the news that the city of Dayton spent $650,000 for security, etc. for that rally.
  2. They're the ones voting for it, oddly enough.
  3. I opened this thread and thought maybe it was one of those French Canadian articles translated to English. "The thrower made the skin of pig fly through the air with preciseness and muscle while the catcher gave the defender false intentions in order to receive the oval."
  4. Eric Holder ✔ @EricHolder "People must understand what is at stake by release of the bogus, contrived Nunes memo. It uses normally protected material and puts at risk our intell capabilities in order to derail a legitimate criminal investigation. This is unheard of- it is dangerous and it is irresponsible" What investigation is being derailed Eric? It can't be the Mueller Investigation since that is closed. I wonder. 1,161 3:01 PM - May 24, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy
  5. No, I was implying that you had other names that you went by in the past. If not, no big deal, you don't owe me an apology.
  6. There are legal ways to get them. We don't need to weaponize the IRS and become the biggest banana republic in the world.
  7. Are you just trying to state the most outrageous thing just to get a response? I'm not going to give you a civics lesson like TYTT because I believe it will only fall on deaf ears. I'll just tell you that weaponizing the IRS is about as ***** up as it gets.
  8. Rumor has it that Nadler had just opened an envelope with a note in it asking for his wrist measurements. From the way he dresses it obviously wasn't from a tailor.
  9. Starving them is better than going to war but they must believe we are willing to go to war if needed.
  10. It is amazing to me that it seems to be the smaller states that are voting for this. I posted the following elsewhere when CO voted on this: Seems like just a tad bit of shortsightedness here. The Electoral College was created for states just like Colorado. Why would they choose to limit their representation? As an example, water rights are a gigantic issue in western states. Does CO really want NYS or CA dictating those rights to them? Well, by succumbing to what the majority thinks, they are giving up their right as a state and saying we aren't a group of 50 states tied together with a union defined by our constitution, but just another everyday democracy and not a republic. Democracy is heralded as some great all world institution but it is nothing without the protections of the republic that we are. Our republic specifically protects and defends the rights of the minority, which is our only hope of surviving as a country. So, you guys out there in CO, think about the consequences of your representatives vote and how it might make your specific vote meaningless.
  11. No, I did not see your best golf shot post. Furthermore, I was just busting your balls earlier, glad to see you lighten up. I don't golf anymore either due to back issues that won't let me complete my swing. I used to be pretty good (single digit handicap) but I certainly had to work on my game to play at that level.
  12. Yes, you're right. Buffalo_Gal is a good poster and I appreciate her postings. The only good that could possibly come out of her post would be that someone else may get something from it. Transplant, by whatever name he goes by is still an idiot and her good post will certainly fall on deaf ears there.
  13. Wow. It must turn people very bitter too. I always wanted to be a professional golfer. Do you think it might help me with that?
  14. I see pot also strips an individual of any semblance of a sense of humor too. It's like Bleachbit for the brain.
  15. Ah, pot makes you forgetful too. Is there anything pot can't do?
  16. How would you know that? They don't even have the internet in Wasilla.
  17. If California was recounted the popular vote might be turned around completely.
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