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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Mueller is playing a game and insinuating that Trump may have committed a crime but can't be charged as President. He very easily could have stated that he believed that Trump either did or did not commit a crime but since he was President he can't be charged. He equivocated in order to give room for the Left to read it the way they wanted. Two years and 35 million dollars and all he wants to do is kiss his sister.
  2. Trump could have mitigated Kim's criticism by saying "at least he's a useful idiot".
  3. You're up to your old tricks again, trying to bring facts into the discussion. You right wingers are all the same, trying to take the time to look at all the facts before making a decision. It's much easier to decide how you feel and then adjust the facts to prove out your feelings.
  4. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2018/06/11/bill-maher-i-hope-theres-another-recession-so-we-can-get-rid-of-trump-n2489092 Bill Maher said Friday that he is "hoping" for the bottom to fall out of the economy and for the country to enter a recession so we can "get rid of Trump." He said one way to do that is a "crashing economy." Maher said he is "sorry" if it hurts people, but rooting for a recession is a prevention measure to losing democracy. "Can I ask about the economy because this economy is going pretty well? I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point. And by the way, I'm hoping for it. Because I think one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So, please, bring on the recession. Sorry if that hurts people, but it's either root for a recession or you lose your democracy," Maher said on the Friday broadcast of his HBO show Real Time.
  5. You have the foresight of a rearview mirror. The only thing worse is your spelling.
  6. So, in other words more than 3/4 of those identified as suspected non citizens who voted could not prove their citizenship. Good job Texas.
  7. Good wages and working conditions and back off of ridiculous union work rules. Do what's necessary to create a true partnership between management and labor. Create the conditions that will give the labor force a sense of pride in what they do.
  8. Does anyone see the irony? Alyssa Milano calls Jon Voight a has been. http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/alyssa-milano-calls-jon-voight-f-lister-trying-to-stay-relevant/ar-AABVb4g?li=BBnbfcL&ocid=HPDHP17 Alyssa Milano ✔ @Alyssa_Milano Now I understand why Republicans like to discredit actors and our political views. “Stay in your lane, Jon!” “Has been!” “F-lister trying to stay relevant!” “Nobody cares what an out of touch actor thinks!” Twitter Moments ✔ @TwitterMoments In a video message, actor Jon Voight (@jonvoight) calls President Trump "the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln." https://twitter.com/i/events/1132272997031501825 … 17.3K 5:13 PM - May 25, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy 19.2K people are talking about this Voight, 80, has played acting roles for five decades, including his quick rise to stardom playing in Midnight Cowboy alongside Dustin Hoffman in 1969, and he played prominent roles in Deliverance and Coming Home, which won him an Oscar for Best Actor. Milano, 46, became famous for her role as Samantha Micelli on TV’s Who’s the Boss from 1984-92. She won favorite TV actress three straight years (1988-90) for the Kids' Choice Awards and won a pair of Young Artist Awards in the 1980’s for her work on Who’s the Boss.
  9. Allen certainly improved after he sat a few weeks from his injury. It seemed like he learned a lot just watching. It's also amazing how much Allen's footwork improved with different receivers.
  10. In Josh Allen's first year he improved as the season progressed. He came back as a much better player from his injury and showed a lot of moxie. We must remember that he wasn't slotted to be the starter and got few first team reps right up to the 2nd regular season game. He's a physically gifted QB with a brain and a lot of heart. The eye test says he's "got it". Aaron Schatz has no clue as to how good of a QB Allen can be. The improvement from his first game to his last was impressive and anyone watching all his games would know that. While he's not yet where he needs to be there doesn't appear to be anything holding him back.
  11. It's simple, he needs to not only take sashaying lessons but brush up on the art of blackface. Maybe he could get this guy to give him tips on facial expressions:
  12. I highly doubt that. In the past 2 years they've "accidently" left him in 4 restaurants, 5 gas stations and 13 interstate rest stops. In fact one time they left him at home with the front door unlocked and a pile of newspapers on the front porch.
  13. No. Do you know how long the meeting lasted? It is not illegal to get information on an opponent. When Don Jr. found out that the Russian lawyer wanted to talk about the Magnitsky Act and subsequent ban on Americans adopting Russian children, he excused himself from the meeting realizing that he was hoodwinked into meeting with the Russians on false premises. You guys in the Resistance Movement tend to make a big deal out of an inconsequential Trump Tower meeting but ignore the millions spent by Clinton to create a false dossier in an attempt to subvert a campaign or initiate a coup.
  14. I know, we'll do it in teams. We'll call them "drill teams".
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