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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. If you would read you own article you would find an answer to your own question.
  2. I'll answer this. Yes, I'm ok with refugees. Give us your definition of a refugee though.
  3. So, you support abortion for any reason at any point in time? How about a failed abortion, one in which the baby is born alive? Would you kill that baby?
  4. https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/8513476/blind-autistic-agt-contestant-kodi-lee-golden-buzzer See if this doesn't give you a different perspective.
  5. From your link: "If the Speaker of the House felt this was must-pass legislation, the Speaker of the House should have called a vote on this bill before sending every member of Congress on recess for ten days," said Massie on the House floor, adding later on Twitter that "passing an unbudgeted $19 billion spending bill without a vote of Congress is legislative malpractice." Massie's objection came a few days after Rep. Chip Roy (R–Texas) did the same thing, opposing the bill over both process concerns and its lack of $4.5 billion in border funding. The delay had produced bipartisan irritation. "The heartlessness of House Republicans knows no bounds," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D–Calif.) in a statement. "Just days after sabotaging a bipartisan and bicameral bill to provide urgently-needed relief to millions of American families reeling from natural disasters, House Republicans have repeated their stunning act of obstruction." "I just think that we can do a lot better by passing what's good rather than vote 'no' waiting for the perfect," said Sen. Kevin Cramer (R–N.D.), who voted for the disaster package in the Senate. Congress has been trying to pass a disaster relief bill since January when the Democrat-controlled House approved a $14 billion aid package. Dear Leader Pelosi reminds me of the terrorists like Hamas who hide their rocket launchers, etc. in and amongst women and children. She won't go along with supporting our border laws and blames her opposition for the fallout.
  6. Given a choice between loving Lena Dunham or myself, I pick myself. She's brilliant!
  7. OK HAHA Gator, you are supporting aborting babies based on a specific condition of the baby that has nothing to do with the mother's health. You've actually gone further than eugenics in that you aren't proposing selective breeding but selective killing. The one question left to be asked is if you laugh when the baby comes out in pieces?
  8. No, you are a supporter of eugenics and thus a person in line with Adolf Hitler's philosophy. Think about that. You are supporting a philosophy that would have prevented your own birth, or if you were born by chance, would execute you. Actually, you personally make a very solid case for eugenics, or 100 trimester abortion.
  9. Mueller muddied the waters on purpose and he is the one who is obstructing justice. https://www.redstate.com/bonchie/2019/05/30/mueller-backtracks-presser-tries-clarify-matters-joint-statement-bill-barr/ "In other words, Mueller is now saying “wait, wait I never said Trump would have been charged if he weren’t President, only that the fact that he was President is why I didn’t bother to answer the question.” It’s still a weak kneed answer in my humble opinion. If that is what he meant, he could have specifically clarified that at the presser to quell the storm. Instead, his weasel language gave the entirely of the media and Democrat party the green light to claim that the OLC opinion is all that stopped Trump from being charged. He threw chum into the water and it’s really hard to interpret his actions as anything other than intentional. Now, some will take issue with the use of the word backtrack in this article. I think it’s accurate."
  10. Being honest, straightforward and curious is not going above and beyond here even though that may be true in his classroom.
  11. He insinuated that he had something on Trump but couldn't charge him because Presidents were immune. Mueller has known without a doubt for at least a year that there was no collusion/conspiracy. All he's done for the last year is play with peripheral characters and stretch things out to see if he could get Trump or his family in perjury traps.
  12. Yes, I saw a once respected legal mind twist the law to suit his own purposes.
  13. Are you being purposefully obtuse? I already knew what it ended up at. I was merely pointing out just another example of Tibby's dishonesty.
  14. What part of ***** off don't you understand? The whole point Einstein is that Tibby posts links that have a paywall and his written word can't be verified.
  15. It fell 1 point today too. ***** off, I don't have the time for your nonsense.
  16. To whom it may concern: NJSue just recently died. Edit: This is not a lie. I posted it to inform people above who used her name.
  17. Reading comprehension, teach. Tibby posted just what I stated that he did. The corrected amount is behind a paywall, which is what I was getting at. Tibby lies. Oh, and he laughs at the deaths of Americans too..
  18. The DOW lost 400 points? Hmmn. I'm reading this at 8:23pm on Wednesday and it says here that you posted this 5 hours ago. Jumping the gun, eh? The NY Stock Exchange wasn't even closed at this time and the DOW ended up closing at -221. It's becoming more and more apparent that you not only don't read much of what you post but post fake links that are behind a paywall so no one else can verify yourshit. You are a despicable person.
  19. I think there is a good possibility that Mueller's statement today was a desperate effort to avoid testifying before Congress. He knows that he will be asked at what point in time did he come to the conclusion that there was no collusion/conspiracy. If he responds like what has been reported and says the Spring of 2018 then there would be a shitstorm in both political parties and the public in general. On top of that, Mueller's legacy would take a big hit. One might say that his little speech today was his own obstruction of justice even.
  20. Nanker steals my Joe Biden "Villages" song and you steal my Transplant putdown.
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