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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. She was talking with her best friend and said "I met this guy recently and he is quite adequate". Well I guess that isn't a ringing endorsement, or she's British.
  2. As a society there are many things we are in general agreement with and those agreements are the basis for our laws. Abortion is an exception to those items we agree on. A large segment of our population has taken a position on the extremes. There will never be a compromise that will please the extremes. The issue of abortion is so polarizing that all we can hope for is an uneasy truce somewhere in the middle. A pregnancy is basically 270 days broken up into 3 trimesters of 90 days. Somewhere between 1 and 270 days an abortion is murder. We as a society can determine that standard for us by compromising and making a law that determines when abortion becomes murder. That covers us here on earth. What it doesn't cover is individual consciences and future judgement of our actions.
  3. Sure, I want the Bills to win the Super Bowl 97-0 too, but am willing to settle for a more realistic win of 24-10.
  4. So, we are back to the question that is at the heart of the conundrum here: At what point in time in the pregnancy does an abortion become murder? Some say conception while some believe up to birth. Most people are somewhere in between those two extremes. While it is not for me, I find that forcing my beliefs on others is also in itself against my beliefs. It is an issue that has no ready answer and for all practical purposes needs a compromise. Neither end of the spectrum is going to win this outright. A compromise is needed just to get back to an uneasy truce.
  5. He teaches 2nd graders and some have been accepted into Harvard instead of 3rd grade.
  6. The "heartbeat" laws are unrealistic and are basically just another way to make abortion illegal. I've heard that a woman might not know they are pregnant until after she's been pregnant for 6 weeks or more. Since 6 weeks is about the time that a fetus's heartbeat can first be heard, those laws for all intents and purposes don't give a woman the opportunity to even make the decision. I'm not for abortion, but I'm not for making that decision for another person. The consequences of the decision to have or not have an abortion is between the mother and their God. Most reasonable people are absolutely against and aghast at late term abortions. We make laws for all kinds of purposes. Abortion is not some sacrosanct right automatically afforded women. It can and should be regulated (philosophically speaking) to the norms of society. Face it, the abortion debate is as divisive as it gets. A compromise based on reasonable standards of decency should be found. A fetus can be viable outside the womb at 20 weeks. A woman is going to know she is pregnant certainly by 8-10 weeks. She is going to need time make a decision and time to make an appointment. It would seem to me that 13 weeks or so would be sufficient time to make a decision and get the procedure if that is the choice. In recent years we've had what I would call an uneasy abortion truce that was often broken but generally held. The two sides to this debate have taken positions that are intolerable to each other. Unless cooler heads prevail, a shitstorm is in our future.
  7. Did you listen to Governor Northam or see video of the NYS Assembly cheering and the Empire State Building lit up when the bill was signed? You are conflating religion with standards of decency. Are you not abhorred with infanticide being relabeled as "late term abortion"?
  8. Have you ever taken a good look at him? That girth sticks way out but it also hangs down pretty far. I think a midget could surf on it.
  9. This is one reason we don't want your stupid asses here.
  10. The strengthening of abortion laws around the country is a backlash to the change in laws in places like NYS and VA. Not only did the Left go too far but they did it in a brazen manner and rubbed the Pro Life people's faces in it.
  11. There was a time that this tree in Santa Barbara housed quite a few homeless. I think the city put up further barricades and/or patrol it now to save this historic tree.
  12. If it wasn't blocked by his huge girth he'd be stepping on his own dick then.
  13. I want Mueller to testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee so that the following question can be asked of him: When did you first come to the realization that there was no collusion/conspiracy between Trump/his campaign and Russia? Anything after that date can be attributed to Mueller and his team attempting to pin obstruction on Trump. The backlash for the dems would be huge.
  14. Fake Link, again. Why do you even bother commenting on anything when practically everything is over your head?
  15. Tax revenues are higher now than they were before the tax cuts.
  16. I'm still of the opinion that the catalyst of change really has to come from the people of the country. We spilt our blood and paid the dues to form this country. We earned it. They'll never get better than what they now have if they don't earn it themselves.
  17. Yep. Get them drunk and then put them on a plane with a one-way ticket to North Korea. Or were you talking cotton?
  18. The economy was really good yesterday butshitthebed today. I have hopes for the economy recovering tomorrow------------------------------HAHA Gator.
  19. How much ya got? Just kidding to you monitors out there.
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