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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. You're the one that quoted him first so you must believe he's credible. This is almost too easy:
  2. From your link: Asked if he'd call the FBI if it happened again, Kushner said: "I don't know. It's hard to do hypotheticals, but the reality is is that we were not given anything that was salacious."
  3. 3,502 https://www.numbersusa.com/news/not-my-backyard-feds-efforts-relocate-illegal-aliens-border It appears the Obama administration resettled illegal immigrants in a strategic manner in states that they thought they could eventually move into solid blue column. Note Tejas and Florida.
  4. Is it just the POTUS or are the SoS, Senators and former FLOTUS not above the law too?
  5. Ben was Beginner's Mind if I remember. There's too many of these people playing the name game to keep them straight.
  6. No, you made a statement and then denied it. Do you not see that? No wonder you're getting so many people pissed off lately. Having a conversation with you is like drinking milk with a fork.
  7. Did you forget you posted this? row_33 3,502 Hall of Famer Members 3,502 24,087 posts Location:Home of the Leafs Report post Posted 1 hour ago Free THE DUDE, maybe he has learned a lesson......
  8. Uh, you were the one proposing bringing him back, saying maybe he learned his lesson.
  9. I can take Chris Wallace because he's an equal opportunity prick to everyone. (Sorta like DC Tom)
  10. I can't help you there. Why don't you make a formal request to SDS?
  11. How about you just start posting as Asswhole, that way there will never be any confusion as to who you really are.
  12. Gary? I thought he was the former poster 26Copy/Paste?
  13. Her townhall could not have been worse. She either didn't know the subject matters or just plain lied. And she was very convincing of that.
  14. Some people read what they talk about or post. Try it sometime.
  15. Joe thinks he's got his priorities straight. https://www.whec.com/national/biden-declares-lgbtq-rights-his-no-1-legislative-priority/5374296/?cat=10036&fbclid=IwAR1FW_gF-Yl5eNFViRd1KnnTg528LlAxrEnVEgHlJH_n2MoNujoFQ9GEYig The "Equality Act" is his number one priority. More important than: Iran North Korea Immigration The Economy China trade deal USMCA Border Security Yada Yada Yada
  16. There is a term for that. It's in the dictionary as "Getting SethRiched".
  17. I am a person that you would consider on the right. I describe myself as a Conservative and don't like abortion mainly for decency reasons. I would think this way if I was a Christian or an Atheist. I also realize that levels of decency are subjective and laws are created usually as a compromise between divergent opinions. I sincerely suggest that you might want to dig into this issue a little more and avail yourself of the information that's out there regarding how far the Left is willing to go. They are actually promoting infanticide.
  18. Why, did he tell you he smelt it before he seen it?
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