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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. I gotta call bs on that. HAHA Gator pays no attention to details.
  2. Of course I meant all Hondurans who sneak in our country for the purpose of illegal immigration. That goes for all Central Americans, South Americans, Europeans, Africans, Asians and Polynesians. On the other hand, if they come in legally so that they can be vetted properly they are welcome within our laws. Now, you've known me for years here and the volume of my work should tell you if I'm a bigot or not. I'll stand by that. P.S. Canadians should be banned entry to our country until they at least learn to spell.
  3. I would think it would depend on whether or not you have been smoking or otherwise imbibing in weed. Of course, it may not matter if you have already fried your mind with a long history with cannabis.
  4. People who set fires in protest of our country. It's people who think they have the absolute right to come here and are owed something. It's people who want to come here and change our country to suit them. It's people who wave the Honduran flag on U.S. soil and consider themselves Honduran-Americans. Get the drift? I can have the roughest of weeks and the shittiest of days but I can always chill with the soothing knowledge that I'm not Canadian.
  5. One would think that it would be obvious why we don't want people who set fires in protest in our country.
  6. I think the dems should be deathly afraid of someone asking Mueller: "at what point in time did you learn there was no collusion/conspiracy" and "why did you continue to investigate once that was determined"?
  7. It's because he references, links and quotes from work that he has not read. He's used to it.
  8. Pretty much. The outcry from the laws in VA and NY preceded the laws that were passed that restricted abortion. Alabama may have passed their law just to get it to the courts. Regardless, the pro abortion people threw a bunch of fresh fuel on a smoldering fire. Stupid asses.
  9. A pod of sperm whales was spotted in shallow water off Jeffrey Epstein's island nicknamed "***** Island".
  10. The states that have been passing these egregious laws have caused a backlash that created the Alabama law that basically prohibits any abortions and the other "heartbeat" laws that come close to banning abortions. NY, VA and IL may have gone so far as to get SCOTUS to review Roe v. Wade.
  11. He has every song that Anne Murray ever recorded on his cassettes.
  12. Don't you have a little old lady with blue hair that you should be fleecing?
  13. I made the point first when I told HAHA Gator to correct the title of his thread. Did you not understand?
  14. Then make it. Of course they can't vote...……………………………………….legally. They're playing the long game and figure they might gain citizenship or at the very least their progeny will.
  15. Not much but Trump gets to impress upon the Brexit people that they have a willing free trade partner with the USA. It may help in the voting.
  16. Well, it's a democratic state for voting purposes but not controlled by the democrats. Too many people think that the democrat party is the democratic party, which is wrong.
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