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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Eliminating or even partially eliminating student debt is not magically getting rid of it. It's transferring it to someone else and perpetuating the exorbitant costs of a higher education.
  2. Schumer says Trump is bluffing. Whose team is he on? God forbid Trump might get a win for the country.
  3. What's this "we" shitabout? $10,000 in the account? Ya think that might tip Tom off?
  4. I think VA legislators should consider scalpel control legislation and Northam should have his scalpel license taken away.
  5. Don't misunderstand me. If (when) found guilty he should be punished accordingly. I just don't know how a person with a conscience could live with themselves having shirked their duty to such an extent.
  6. Gee, I wonder if there is any correlation between the disappearance of the old county home or insane asylum and the increased homelessness?
  7. Send me your account numbers and pin and I'll get you the money promptly!
  8. Oh, I know. I'm not a great cook but I make certain specific meals great, so people think I am. I've been told over the years that I should open a restaurant. One of the tricks is to make up for skill by using expensive ingredients so yes, people might like my food but I couldn't sell it for a profit. Besides, I don't want to work that hard. My goal has always been the same, make a good enough dinner so that you're making them breakfast in the AM.
  9. Some people are incapable of differentiating illegal aliens from legal immigrants. They also believe in:
  10. Maybe we could come up with a little ditty like this for our organs to help with our communications.
  11. She must be great in bed or a fantastic cook or likes to clean.
  12. Of course not. I have no problem with celebrating Cinco de Mayo either. I already explained to you, you obtuse pos that waving the Honduran flag was a euphemism for not assimilating. Regardless, you are a shittyposter who I really don't care to discuss anything with. You are wasting your time with that nitwit. I rarely respond to him but sometimes one needs to take a dump.
  13. What did he do, sneak out of solitary confinement and then sneak back in?
  14. From your link: It’s important to note that according to Jaeson Jones, retired captain of Texas’ Department of Public Safety Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division, the priority areas color-coded on the map are mainly the areas where people live, and the ones left out are simply not a priority, not because the cartels don’t control most of those areas, but because there is little infrastructure or population in those areas. For example, the areas color-coded at the border are all the cities where people live, such as Tijuana, Mexicali, San Luis, Nogales, Juarez, Piedras Negras, Loredo, Miguel Alimen, and Reynosa (going west to east). And notice how every one of them is controlled by the cartels. All of the major smuggling areas leaning into California, Nogales, Arizona, El Paso, Texas, and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas are fully controlled by the cartels. The other areas are deserts with few people and no infrastructure, so they weren’t a priority for the Mexican government’s campaign, but they still affect our security because the cartels are sending large flows of migrants in areas like Antelope Wells, New Mexico, which are absolutely controlled by Sinaloa. Thus, we now see from an internal document of the Mexican government an admission that Mexico has essentially lost control over every important populated area in Mexico outside Mexico City and a few others, and particularly the most sensitive areas of the U.S.-Mexican border. So why do we not have Special Operations Command engaged in protecting our border from the cartels? Unlike the Taliban, cartel operatives come over our border all the time. Why do the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and the State Department refuse to recognize the border issue as a military problem and agree to target the cartels as terrorists? If the Taliban were orchestrating a flow of mass migration across parts of Afghani-controlled territory, strategically shutting down our security, and profiting from it, we would instantly take military action. When Mexican cartels are placing our own country in mortal danger, why is that not reason enough to treat this is a military threat instead of an immigration issue? What is amazing is that Border Patrol and the National Guard are ordered not to engage the cartels and armed smugglers at all and cannot nab any of them even a few feet over our border for concern of violating Mexico’s sovereignty. We won’t even fight back when they detain and disarm our regular military units on our own side of the river. Yet, we now see that the Mexican government itself admits it has no sovereignty over that area. Why should we allow our sovereignty to be trampled by cartel figures going back and forth with impunity when fighting them won’t even violate Mexican sovereignty and will actually help it?
  15. You must duck a lot what with everything flying over your head. My waving the Honduran flag example was simply a euphemism for not buying in to true citizenship here or assimilating. Maybe you should find a place to post that isn't so hard for you, dumbass.
  16. It only seems like two hours. You've been there barely 5 minutes but Bob's shitisreallygood.
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