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Everything posted by 3rdnlng

  1. Ohshit, you were just busting my balls? I hope it isn't too late to call it off.
  2. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the blue helmets were directing traffic along the way from Central America to the U.S. border.
  3. On the one hand it would seem that putting tariffs on Mexican goods in order to get them to cooperate in stopping illegals is silly, but on the other hand what choice has congress left Trump? I look at it this way: I'm stranded on a deserted island with a boat that needs repair. Luckily I have the boards and nails to repair it but I don't have a hammer, which would be the proper tool to use to repair the damage. All my tools have been lost with the exception of a pipe wrench. Do I bother to attempt to fix the boat using the pipe wrench as a hammer, or do I just give up saving myself?
  4. Paint the fence black so it gets really hot down there where the sun shines a lot.
  5. Not trying to sound like a big meanie but a good old fashioned rousting might be in order. If you don't make it easy on them than the people can be sorted out between the legitimately mentally ill and what used to be called a bum, hobo, tramp.
  6. Don't be so quick to judge. Poor CeCe had the additional challenge of worrying about tripping over her dick.
  7. Steroids for sure, but some real ***** up stuff. Huge forearms, no biceps and a chest like the proverbial 97 pound weakling.
  8. If she wasn't prosecuted over this why would she ever be prosecuted for anything? https://2012patriot.wordpress.com/2010/04/02/nancy-pelosi-starkist-tuna/ No more StarKist Tuna for me ….. SNOPES” VALIDATES THE FACTS BELOW : Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s home district includes San Francisco . Report this ad StarKist Tuna’s headquarters are in San Francisco , Pelosi’s home district. StarKist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi. StarKist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan work force. Paul Pelosi, Nancy’s husband, owns $17 million dollars of StarKist stock. In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase So Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Del Monte products less expensive than that of its competitors. Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33 million dollars for an “economic development credit in American Samoa ” Pelosi has called the Bush Administration “CORRUPT” and many other things !!! How do you spell “HYPOCRISY” ? SHE’S SHAMELESS…. EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD GET THIS E-MAIL. PASS IT AROUND …!!! I’ll buy the other brands now. I’m not putting another dollar in Pelosi’s bank account.
  9. California (especially southern California) is not much more than an irrigated desert. The availability of water limits home construction. Generally municipal restrictions on home building make it more costly to build. The climate is without a doubt amenable. Weak-willed government coupled with liberal ideas that value feelings over results have merged to ruin what should be paradise, if not overpopulated. Add up the scarcity of water, government red tape, good weather and politicians without a backbone and it makes for a perfect landing spot for a homeless person. Thousand upon thousands of people see things that way and have created disease ridden camps equivalent to middle eastern refugee encampments. This situation will not be changed with hashtag slogans and wishful thinking. It'll be changed when the voters are sick of the filth and disease and vote for strong, practical leadership. They need more Rudys not Judys.
  10. CPL will get his chance when he wins the dem nomination for president. Trump won't be able to run from him then.
  11. She wasn't disbarred but had her license suspended in 2002 for failing to keep up on her continuing education.
  12. Barley is well known in Mexico: https://www.statista.com/statistics/911031/mexico-barley-production-volume/ Mexico: barley production volume 2012-2018 Production of barley in Mexico from 2012 to 2018 (in 1,000 metric tons) This statistic shows the production volume of barley in Mexico from 2012 to 2018. In 2018, the production of barley in Mexico reached over one million metric tons, slightly down from the amount produced a year earlier. Production of barley in Mexico from 2012 to 2018 (in 1,000 metric tons) Created with Highcharts 5.0.14Volume in thousand metric tons1 0321 0325945948468467357359789781 0041 0041 0001 0002012201320142015201620172018 02004006008001 0001 200 2014 • 846
  13. The Muslims have had that figured out for centuries.
  14. Oh, I don't know. The democrats fought against the proposed 19th Amendment for 42 years. They also fought against the abolishment of slavery and the Civil Rights Act. Guess who was for them?
  15. Do you have any idea what the book was about or what it represents?
  16. I didn't know there were that many VW "Things" left around.
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